Because I am a sucker for any kind of religious imagery

Mar 20, 2010 14:12

Rachel's got an entry up about the video game Dante's Inferno.

Anyway, going on about the actual rings of Hell.
Ah... I really liked the climbable walls that had the souls trapped behind them and they'd writhe and scream. And the rope you used as a ladder were... bodies? looked like odds and ends of bodies. I don't know, blood would come out of them when you slid down; except in Treachery, then ice came out. The ink/smoke effect for the menu and stuff was nice too.

The soundtrack was what made the game especially interesting (or creepy, depending how you look at it), because it had people always muttering, murmuring, screaming, moaning, and sometimes you could clearly understand one voice that was begging for help or making excuses for whatever sin they committed. And the instruments would always set you on edge.

...:D I wanna play this now. Or at least see some pictures. Maybe there are some on the internet...?

3: Speaking of which... my computer hasn't been able to connect to the internet for at least a week. D: Does not make me happy, especially when I'm trying to finish chapter 2 of Unbound; it's on that computer, and when I need to do research I don't like having to run between two computers on two separate floors. It's just inconvenient. Blah. So that's why I've not been on, in case anyone's wondering...

dante's inferno, religion, imagery, real life, friends, video games, rachel

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