
Feb 22, 2010 17:50

From the page of the FB group "Gay Marriage Killed the Dinosaurs":

to all you fucking fetus-eating liberal bastards-
i was all for your group on facebook.com and laughed my ass off and thanked god for this sign b/c finally someone understood my views on gay marriage. i read your reasons only and then when i went to join the group,i caught aglimpseof the group drisciption and was so crush and angry that my happiness was destroyed, i decided to email you personnally to tell you what i think of you. and i hope you post this b/c i want as many of you homo lovers to know what i think. you liberal scum think you have it all figured out. well you are nothing but a bunch of big-headed commie scum with your big heads filled with aborted fetuses that you prob snack on when you get the munchies from your pothead habits! so why dont you global warm your dicks and shove em each others mouths for 60 secs so we can get a minute of peace from your mindless dribble
may the love of jesus show the way and smite the nonbelievers

Love you toooo, dearie. *big hugs, ruffles anonymouse's hair*

gay marriage, trolls, facebook, humor

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