More words.

Aug 18, 2009 20:47

I have around seventy-five pages to read and eighteen math problems to do... and I've been working just about literally all afternoon and evening. FML.

Anyway, I got more words from ehrenyu . As before, comment to this entry with the word 'words' and I'll choose five words that remind me of you; you then post those words on your journal with blurbs about what they mean to you.


Not my thing, actually. They can be pretty, and I love Tori Amos' song China, but other'n that, I don't even use them. Why do they remind you of me, out of curiosity?


I used to wear them sometimes as a kid. I don't anymore because I don't see how anyone older than ten can pull them off, but I liked them while I had them. My sister actually inherited this one pair, but it's somewhere at the house now... assuming they weren't carted off to Goodwill or something, that is.


Oh, that universal symbol of deserts everywhere. They're not my favorite plant, but I think the flowers are pretty. I like to joke around about having 'endangered species' on my property, because there are saguaros around our house, and saguaros just so happen to be endangered... you wouldn't know it from how ubiquitous they are around here, though.


Never done it. Why's this remind you of me? xD Trying it sometime would be fun, though, and I love the snow.


Writing is something I've been interested in from around the age of 6-8. Having a social life on the internet really helped this along, and in my opinion did a great deal to bolster my writing skills, because it forces you to depend on your writing skills rather than your verbal skills. Of course, the two interact, and I think it helped to better my verbal skills as well, but if I hadn't had this much writing practice I'm sure I wouldn't be as good at it. That's just the way things work.

This particular art is, in my mind, a form of communication that I happen to favor. It's not that I value writing over other forms of communication, because all communication, be it through music, paintings, speeches, whatever, is something I value and enjoy. Writing, however, is something I can actually do to a certain extent. ^^

writing, meme

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