Interview meme redux

Jul 28, 2009 18:40

1) Do you smile so others don't worry?

Mrm... I never really smile exclusively so that other people don't worry. There's an element of it in some of my smileyness, but I'd say that that's about 50% keeping people from worrying and 50% refusing to let myself sink into self-pity. Also, chatting with friends is one of my primary ways of improving my own mood, so the Stepford smiling will usually become increasingly genuine as time goes on.

2) What career are you eye-ing or do you have no idea?

I want to go into a field that has something to do with people and the things I find interesting about them, which for me, means that I'm eyeing fields like history, philosophy, cultural and gender studies, writing, psychology, etc. Other than that, I don't really know, but I'm thoroughly determined to find a way to do the things I want to do in life.

That basically means that I want to be able to continue developing my writing, I want to keep on developing close relationships with awesome people, and I want to have a career that will allow me to both self-actualize, be productive, and be independent. In the short term, I want to finish high school while keeping up my academic record, and go to a good out-of-state college where I'll be able to continue my personal development as best as I possibly can.

3) Do you have any artistic ability? (includes dancings, singing, music-making, etc.)

I can sing and play the piano, and I write. I have very little drawing or dancing ability, although I still indulge in both from time to time.

4) In a dream, if you found yourself trapped in M.C. Escher's Relativity (The Staircase that defies logic) because the doors that you could reach were locked, what would you attempt/do to escape?

Oh dear, I have no idea, but I love Relativity. Actually, I'd probably start jumping all over the place, trying to reach other staircases, basically using the entire piece as a really whacked-out amusement park.

5) So I noticed the churchy rantings today, I was wondering if you might educate them on what it means to Buddhist or Muslim rather than frighten them with your non-Jesus, therefore must-be-Satan-loving ways? -dry sarcasm-

To be quite honest, I'm not nearly as snarky when I'm actually having a dialogue with someone, as when I'm venting on Livejournal. That's a good thing, I think; otherwise I'd be terribly obnoxious. |D I will admit that I have got some definite religious hot buttons, but... the thing is... before I came here, there were very few people that I knew in real life who actually pressed them. I've simply never had to deal with churches like the ones I've been complaining about (at least in person), and I still haven't quite ironed out what to do with them.

As for the actual question, I'm willing to try it if a) I feel comfortable ('Cause I'm never very productive when I'm uncomfortable), and b) I believe that I actually have an audience. I simply don't have the patience or the mental fortitude to take on an entire congregation, at once, on my own. Also, churches, in my experience, don't really just offer up opportunities for dialogue- the entire point is pretty much to sit there and listen to a preacher talk for a few hours, after all. I'd have to actively attend Bible study or something, and honestly, I'm not at all eager to do so when I have no reason to believe anyone will be there to back me up. Yes, I'm a coward. I never claimed not to be. |D

Also, going back to the religious hot buttons, I have very little patience for people who see nothing wrong with telling me when they know nothing about me other than the fact that I'm not Christian that my life is worth less, or is less fulfilling, just because I don't adhere to their particular ideology. At least... know something about me before you jump to conclusions like that. :\

religion, art, meme

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