From the "Real Life Crowning Moments of Heartwarming" section on TVTropes...

Jun 29, 2009 21:22

In a similar situation, one of those people came to our college campus, and, among other things, started condemning women for the way they dress, saying that a good "christian" woman wears skirts and dresses (never pants) and realizes that her place is to be subservient to men. He then pointed out a girl who was walking across campus, modestly dressed in a blouse and long skirt, saying that she was a perfect example of how women should dress. Her response to this was to stop what she was doing, unzip her skirt, walk out of it, and resume her stroll across the green.


crowning moment of awesome, tvtropes, crowning moment of heartwarming, real life, misogyny, humor, feminism

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