(no subject)

Feb 04, 2009 19:09

La de da... I really could've sworn I posted this yesterday, but apparently LJ thinks differently.

Your result for The Angel Test...


So you need Healing (31%), Knowledge (30%), Inspiration (70%), and Strength (56%)?

Archangel Ariel is he Angel of courage, nature, and wild beasts. He inspires us to live our life to the fullest and without fear, and to let go of what is hurting or controlling us. He assures us that we are never alone, even in the darkest times. Most importantly, he advices us to face our fears and fight them so that our brave actions may set us free of the boundaries that keep us from becoming who we are meant to be.

Ariel bestows those that have to do battle in their day to day life with the armour of unshakeable faith and confidence. Those “battles” may take place in court, in the form of competition among athletes, on the schoolyard, or in the attempt of protecting one’s children and loved ones. Also, he is probably the best source of inspiration and inner strength for those striving to protect and heal injured animals and plants.

Ariel is known as the Archangel of the Earth because he works tirelessly on behalf of our planet. He is in charge of supervising the realm of Earth Angels that are sometimes referred to as the mythical creates we call fairies, elves, etc. He assists the human realm in connecting with the realm of Earth Angels and to build a relationship of harmony and balance. By doing so, Ariel and his legion of Earth Angels can help us to understand the natural rhythms of the earth and experience the magic and healing properties of the trees, flowers, rocks and soil. Ariel loves those who appreciate nature and its beauty, and rewards them by becoming their infinite source of joy and inspiration.

A Bit of Trivia:

Ariel is associated with lions and other animals of the non-domesticated kind. He is the ruler of the elemental kingdom, and as such oversees the sylphs, nymphs, salamanders and gnomes, the spirits of the four elements. Just like Gabriel and Jophiel, Ariel is sometimes referred to as a female. He is sometimes confused with the Archangel Uriel.

Jophiel - Michael - Israfel -
href="http://www.okcupid.com/tests/describescore?testid=2537800488750284301&category=4">Raziel -
href="http://www.okcupid.com/tests/describescore?testid=2537800488750284301&category=3">Ariel - Uriel -
href="http://www.okcupid.com/tests/describescore?testid=2537800488750284301&category=9">Gabriel -
href="http://www.okcupid.com/tests/describescore?testid=2537800488750284301&category=7">Raphael - Zadkiel - Jeremiel

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Your result for Goddess Future Test...

Your Goddess is Hekat

43% Hekat, 0% Romi_Kumu, 0% Artemis, 29% Brigit, 0% Venus, 29% Tai_Yuan, and 0% Laksmi

Your prediction for the future comes from Hekat, Egyptian Goddess of Mysteries.

Hekat, being a mysterious entity, knows that you have many things that are hidden, especially from those that do not accept or understand you. But regardless things around you are changing and you must relinquish the old way of thinking, doing, and being in order to gain positive results from what is to come. If you continue to hold on to the past and fight to retain what was you will not fair well.

With the change you should embrace a feeling of renewal. Become passionate about your desires and retain hope for the future. Plan for fulfillment even if it looks as if things won't work out. You may be surprised what is resurrected from the ashes.

Help from places that you least expect it will come to you. There is power in what is hidden and not seen, but if you can feel the forces around you you will find the aid you need to get through. Think big because the changes that are happening are big. If you are making changes, make large changes so that you can make a large difference.


Your future shows a time of healing and wisdom. Your creative energy will be released slowly, but you will discover it. Your sexual energy will also be your life energy.

Take Goddess Future Test
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