New Art

Feb 12, 2009 15:42

We used some Christmas money to purchase a snazzy new CPU, about twelve times faster than our old model and with enough memory to keep my artwork happy for the next several years, I hope. Huzza!

It took a savvy friend's finagling to get our scanner to communicate with the new system properly, but now that it is, I can upload some new projects...drawings that kept me busy in the interim of having no computer at all (amazing how my productivity soars during such periods).

Having been inspired yet again while flipping through our Mucha book, I wanted to continue my art nouveau seasons but couldn't seem to pin down anything I was happy with, so moved on to some elementals instead. Shouldn't start a new series before finishing the old, but oh well.

I will be happy with these until approximately thirty seconds after picking up Mucha again. At which point I will despairingly ponder my utter worthlessness as an artist and wonder why I even bother.

Of course that just means I won't pick it up for a while. Meanwhile it'll take me a couple months, probably, to get these colored. The Peanut will not allow me to work on the computer for extended periods (just as well, given how I'd be neglecting him otherwise), and I am still not wild enough about my watercolor skills to risk ruining drawings that took me so long. I've gotten far too dependent on digital, I guess, but man, I wish I'd known how to really use this technology back in college. My hours spent in the graphics computer lab are ones I'd like to get back and actually do something useful with, especially one or two little all-nighters of which my brain still retains foggy, hallucinagenic images involving error messages about scratch discs and spooling failure.

Now I'm staring at a couple details in these I need to go back and fix.

Anyway. Water and Air to come eventually, possibly Light as well, and then maybe a "Weather" series - Lightning, Thunder, Wind, Rain, etc. And or course I still need to do Winter and Spring, and probably rework Summer, whose reviews have been lackluster. A challenging list, but doable over the next couple years if I keep my butt off the computer. So tell me to get off already!

current projects, art, art nouveau

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