...I would totally propose to this guy.
He's written a full treatise on why The Prydain Chronicles beat Harry Potter, which you can see
here. Be warned, Potterfans: he is not at all kind to Harry; some of his accusations are unfair and not quite accurate, and as this was written before Book 6, some of his points no longer hold up. Still, anyone who praises the Chronicles so highly gets a pass from me, and I certainly share his frustration that the Potter books enjoy such widespread popularity while Prydain continues to languish in obscurity. Read all the way to the end; the appendix, in which he pairs off each character in Prydain with his/her Potter counterpart in a kind of celebrity death-match game, had me howling. The language is PG-13, so skip it if you are easily offended.
I need to make an icon now that says "Taran PWNS Harry". :)
Oh, yeah, and while I'm posting, I plug the movie Freedom Writers. We watched the dvd last night and it is amazing, inspiring, thought-provoking...you know, all those "ing" words.