May 01, 2007 20:37
Hey all, no update for a while and this one won't be great.
I've got a friend who recently sold his car without a certified cheque. He went through the transfer, deposited the cheque he was given, and sadly it bounced.
He's overwhelmed and this is beyond my realm of expertise.
He's already tried to get a hold of the guy but couldn't. I've recommended he report the car stolen to the police. I'm thinking he should continue to try to reach the guy, write a letter requesting his funds or the car, call the bank, insurance company and a lawyer.
Has anyone had, or do you know anyone who has had, a similar experience? Is there anything else he should be doing to try to get his cash or his car?
Comments about how this happened are needless. I'm sure it's a mistake he won't make a second time and no, it wasn't me.