Waking Up ch. 44

Feb 13, 2011 10:19

Title: Waking Up
Chapter: 44/?
Pairing: HyungJun/KyuJong, JungMin/YoungSaeng,
Rating: PG-13
Summary: There's a place that no one knows about, where people are brought in but never leave. Until one night, six men escape from a man-made hell. The struggle to survive has just begun.
A/N: Ongoing RP with yeonah who plays HyunJoong, HyungJoon, and YoungSaeng. While I play KyuJong, JungMin and KiBum.

Getting across the street and into the bank, YoungSaeng pulled out HyunJoong's card and slid it into the atm, following the directions on the screen. HyungJoon looked on over his shoulder, glancing out the window at the pizza place every now and then.

"There's enough money to pay for the hotel, and maybe two weeks or so of food and rent," YoungSaeng murmured, looking up. "After that, we're on our own."

HyungJoon nodded. "We should try and save his money in case we need it, and take care of costs on our own..."

After talking with the manager at the pizza place, KiBum was hired and had a weeks schedule in hand as he stepped back out onto the street to wait for the other two. The pay was minimal, but it was under the table and he wasn't about to try and negotiate.

YoungSaeng and HyungJoon returned after a moment with enough money to pay for the hotel, as well as food and supplies. Crossing the street, they rejoined with KiBum. "We have enough for about two weeks if we watch our budget, but we should try to avoid using his money unless we need to," HyungJoon said, draping one arm over KiBum's shoulders and peeking at the paper in his little brother's hand. "How did it go?"

"I start tomorrow," KiBum grinned, holding up his schedule for HyungJoon to see. "The pay is crappy but I'm not going to complain. Oh! You want to get pizza since we're right here?"

HyungJoon looked over the schedule and grinned. "You work fast. And sure, doesn't look that expensive," he said, looking at the place. YoungSaeng nodded, looking at the menu posted in the window before going to the door and opening it.

Stepping back in, KiBum walked back up to the counter and looked at the other two. "What should we get?"

YoungSaeng shrugged. HyungJoon looked up at the menu. "Uh...how hungry are you guys? Why don't we get the all-dressed one?"

"Works for me, I'm pretty hungry," KiBum nodded. He approached the counter and placed the order, looking back at HyungJoon. "Should we get enough to bring back for the other two?"

HyungJoon nodded. "I'm not sure if Kyu will be up for eating, but it's worth a shot, and JungMin would probably appreciate it," he chuckled, YoungSaeng nodding beside him.

"Alright, we'll get two then," KiBum said to the man behind the counter who told them it would be ready in about twenty minutes and the total. KiBum looked to the other two, he didn't have enough money to pay.

As the one who was carrying most of their money, YoungSaeng stepped forward to pay, waiting while the man counted out his change and gave it back. Once that was done, HyungJoon brought them over to a seat to wait. "My turn to find a place to work," he chuckled, resting his head in his hands.

"You have any ideas?" KiBum asked, leaning back in the chair. "You could be a delivery boy like me," he chuckled.

"Yeah, except I'd get lost every ten seconds," HyungJoon laughed. "The main problem is finding some place that won't do a background check...I'd love to work with kids or something, but that probably won't happen. Maybe I'll go back to lifting boxes."

Pursing his lips in thought, KiBum tried to think of something his brother could do and places that wouldn't ask too many questions. He didn't come up with much. "I'm sure you'll find something, eventually."

HyungJoon's lips quirked slightly. "Eventually." He put his head down on the table with a sigh.

YoungSaeng patted him on the back. "Learn magic tricks and stop blinding yourself, and you can join Min and I performing."

"That would be interesting to see," KiBum laughed, nudging HyungJoon in the side. "Should we get you one of those magician's hats?"

"Only if I get a rabbit along with it," HyungJoon grumbled into the table. "I need to practice on you later," he said, looking up at KiBum.

YoungSaeng's lips quirked with amusement. "Why not now?"

"You kidding? I want to be able to walk out without smashing into the window."

"Besides, I think KyuJong would kill him if he did anything intentionally without him there," KiBum shook his head. "Once he could move anyway."

"He wouldn't kill me," HyungJoon puffed his cheeks out. "Just wring my neck a little."

"Hopefully he starts recovering soon," YoungSaeng frowned. "I don't want to leave him like that alone if we're all working. Min's still recovering too, we might just stay with him until he's at least able to stay partly conscious."

"We can probably work out schedules so that someone's always there with him until he gets better, although, would he be okay by himself even then?" KiBum glanced at HyungJoon, remembering how panicked his brother had gotten when KyuJong had wandered off at the store and said he couldn't be by himself.

HyungJoon chewed on his lower lip. "I don't like it, but if he stays at the apartment he should be fine...but someone should check up on him every now and then."

YoungSaeng nodded. "Why would he have problems being alone?" he asked, having a vague idea.

"He...isn't used to being out of the facility yet. Until he is, I'm not sure he knows how to deal with new situations properly."

"At least he seems okay around us," KiBum said, glancing at YoungSaeng and then back at HyungJoon. "I'm sure he'll get there soon enough."

HyungJoon smiled a little. "Yeah." He felt nervous being away from KyuJong, even knowing JungMin was there with him. "For now though, he really shouldn't be left alone."

"We'll make sure he isn't," YoungSaeng assured. "Once he's healed enough to move around, he could always come with Min ah and me to the park."

"Maybe once he's better we can all go down and watch you guys perform at least once," KiBum said, brightening.

"That would be fun," HyungJoon grinned. "You're both really good."

YoungSaeng bit his lower lip, smiling. "It would be nice." He looked up as their pizza arrived, one out on a platter for them and the second in a box.

"Looks good," KiBum said, eyes wide as he took a slice and started to eat. He nodded with a pleased grin and quickly stuffed the rest of the slice in his mouth.

"My brother thinks he's a hamster," HyungJoon said solemnly, watching while trying not to laugh.

YoungSaeng laughed quietly, taking small bites of his own slice. "Don't choke...neither of you." He gave HyungJoon a pointed look.

KiBum had already swallowed the first slice, washing it down with water and was picking up another. "I'm just going to ignore you people making fun of me about how I eat. I don't choke, I chew my food," he stuck his tongue out at the other two and started in on the next.

HyungJoon shook his head, grinning widely as he started eating as well. "Not that bad. At least you'll be working at a place with good taste, KiBummie."

"He's not going to be eating the pizza he's delivering," YoungSaeng pointed out. "The most it's going to do is make him hungrier."

"At least I'll be able to confidently tell the customers the food is delicious," KiBum said around a mouthful.

"Didn't understand that," HyungJoon teased. "The food got in the way."

Wedging himself into the corner of the diner booth, YoungSaeng watched the brothers with amusement.

"Maybe you should open your ears," KiBum sneered, shifting so he was turned away from HyungJoon and ate in peace.

"Maybe you should swallow before talking." HyungJoon stuck out his tongue at his little brother's back, and it wasn't clear who was really the oldest anymore.

KiBum turned to YoungSaeng. "I'm about this close to begging to stay with you and JungMin tonight, I don't think I can handle much more of him tonight," he grumbled, pointing to his brother.

YoungSaeng just looked highly amused. "I'm not sure if JungMin would approve. And he's your brother, you put up with him for years."

"Don't remind me," KiBum sighed heavily and slumped in the booth having finished eating. "Just one more night, then I'll have my own room, and it'll be far away from yours," he mumbled.

"Mean," HyungJoon pouted, sulking as he nibbled on the pizza crust in his hand.

Chuckling, YoungSaeng shook his head and finished eating the slice in his hand, curling up in the booth. "Supplies next?"

"Supplies," KiBum agreed, taking another sip of water. "Do we need anything besides more bandages?"

"More antiseptic," YoungSaeng pointed out. "Especially if KyuJong's shoulder is infected. We should see if they have anything special for that. Maybe..." He paused. "Maybe we should invest in those small, pay-as-you-go cell phones. One for Min ah and me, one for you two, and one for KyuJong. Just in case something happens."

"That's not a bad idea," KiBum perked up at the thought of having a cell phone. Even if he did have to share it. "Can we afford to do that right away?"

"We'll see how much they cost, and then decide," HyungJoon said. "If we only use them for emergencies, it won't be that bad."

"At the very least, we should get two so you both can keep in touch with KyuJong," YoungSaeng said. "Min ah and I can go without until we have enough money."

"Works for me," KiBum nodded and started to slide out of the booth. "We ready to go? We have to find a store yet and get that pizza to JungMin before he starts eating the bed or something."

"Yeah," YoungSaeng laughed, standing as well and picking up the box of leftover pizza. "Let's hurry then." He walked to the door and opened it with his free hand to let the others out.

Stepping out onto the sidewalk, KiBum looked up and down the street. "Did either of you see a store or or something on the way?"

YoungSaeng shook his head, HyungJoon doing the same. "So I guess we're just walking in the opposite direction until we find something," HyungJoon said. "We need to find clothing stores and things like that too, so a walk won't hurt."

"No, plus we need to get familiar with the city since we'll be here for a while," KiBum nodded, putting his hands in his pockets as they started to walk.

They walked down the street for a while, HyungJoon pointing out the different shops they went by. "Maybe I'll be able to work in one of these," he mused, looking at a café.

YoungSaeng nodded, looking around. "There's a clothing store," he pointed out, gaze across the street. "We'll have to stop by once KyuJong can move."

"And when we have more money," KiBum looked down at his own shirt, which was several sizes too big. "We need to at least wash our clothes soon, especially if we want to hold down jobs."

"We can take turns bringing each other's clothes to the cleaners," YoungSaeng said. "I saw one right outside the hotel. Though you might get a uniform to go with your job," he pointed out to KiBum. "If you're going to be delivering."

"True," KiBum nodded, but that was just another thing to keep clean. As they approached an intersection, he looked down the intersecting street and pointed down a ways. "I think that's a warehouse store down there, maybe they'll have what we need."

"Let's go see," HyungJoon brightened, going to cross the street. YoungSaeng followed after them, watching the light amount of traffic until they were across.

Soon they were close enough to see the warehouse properly. "Looks like we found the place," HyungJoon said, looking up at the building before opening the door.

Following behind, KiBum looked around as they entered. "So, first aid first," he said, grabbing a basket next to the door, they needed a lot of gauze. "I think it's this way," he started towards their left.

HyungJoon and YoungSaeng followed after the younger man. YoungSaeng lingered a little behind, looking for the small cellphones. "Maybe we should pick up more water as well, KyuJong's going to need it with the amount of blood he lost."

KiBum had already found the aisle with the gauze and was piling a bunch of boxes into the basket. After seeing what KyuJong had picked up for them last time, he had a better idea of what he was looking for now. He even found fabric slings which would save them on gauze. After a little more searching he found the antiseptic and put that in the basket as well.

Poking around, HyungJoon found a cream that said it worked to stop infections. "Do you think this would work?" he asked KiBum, showing him. He knew nothing about first aid.

Taking the cream, KiBum frowned at it as he read the label. "I'm not sure, the antiseptic should work just fine, but maybe we can get it just in case and ask KyuJong about it. Never hurts to be too careful."

Nodding, HyungJoon placed it in the basket.

"Look what I found." YoungSaeng popped up again beside them, two packaged cell phones and pay cards in his hands.

"And they're not too expensive?" KiBum asked, taking one and looking it over. It wasn't anything fancy, but it'd work.

"Not that bad, actually. I only got cards with 30 minutes worth, but we can recharge them easily if we run out. Shouldn't need more than that for now, since someone's always going to be with KyuJong." YoungSaeng looked at the instructions on the back of the box.

"Well we've got the bandages, all we need now is a case of water then and then head back?" KiBum said, holding up the overflowing basket.

"Sounds about right," YoungSaeng nodded, picking up a packet of gauze that fell out of the basket.

"I saw water on the way in." HyungJoon walked back to the top of the aisle to get it.

KiBum followed after and when HyungJoon had the water he headed toward the cashiers, trying not to drop anything else from the basket as he went. Setting it down once they had reached the front and the cashier began to ring up the items, he turned to the other two. "Think they'll be surprised we managed to find an apartment already?"

"Most definitely," HyungJoon grinned, as YoungSaeng got out money to pay for their purchase. "It's a pity we can't move in right away, but KyuJong definitely won't be up for it so soon."

"An extra day's rest should help that." YoungSaeng paid for everything, and took his change back before picking up the bag of first aid materials. "Let's go?"

"At least we don't have much to move," KiBum picked up the pizza box and headed to the door. "Someone at least remembers the way to the hotel, right?" He looked at YoungSaeng with hopeful eyes.

YoungSaeng chuckled. "Yeah. This way." He started down the street. HyungJoon followed after him sheepishly. "We should pick up maps...I saw some in the hotel lobby."

"That would be a good idea, won't always have YoungSaeng to guide us," KiBum nodded, walking next to HyungJoon. "Does KyuJong have a good sense of direction?"

"Better than mine," HyungJoon grinned sheepishly.

"Which isn't that hard from what I've heard..." YoungSaeng laughed at the protest.

"What about JungMin?" KiBum asked. His own sense of direction wasn't as bad as HyungJoon's, but it was still pretty bad.

"I think if you blindfold yourself before going anywhere, it might amount to the same," YoungSaeng mused.

HyungJoon choked on his laughter. "That's just mean."

"As much as I'd like to, it'd probably be a mistake to make fun of him for it," KiBum shook his head, laughing.

"That's all right, I make fun of him for it all the time." YoungSaeng looked up at the hotel as they approached.

"You'll have to get in a couple extra digs for me then," KiBum smirked as they entered the hotel and headed through the lobby.

"Will do," YoungSaeng chuckled, watching as HyungJoon grabbed a few maps on the way by. They headed towards the elevator, the older man pressing the call button and resting against the wall as they waited.

"I hope KyuJong's feeling better," KiBum sighed, glancing at HyungJoon, knowing his brother was worried about the older man.

HyungJoon nodded, his thoughts with his boyfriend again.

"Let's see," YoungSaeng smiled reassuringly, stepping into the elevator when it arrived and holding it for them before pressing the button for their floor.

"At least we don't have to go anywhere for a while again," KiBum said, nudging HyungJoon's shoulder, smiling at him as the elevator went up.

"Yeah," HyungJoon smiled a little at the nudge, adjusting his grip on the heavy case of water. When it reached their floor, he stepped out and headed down the hallway to their room, putting the case down so he could unlock the door and open it.

Hearing the door being unlocked, JungMin turned off the TV and slid off the bed, looking over at KyuJong who'd woken up just a few minutes before. "Looks like they're back finally," he smiled, turning his attention to the others as they came in. "So, how'd it go?"

"Good," YoungSaeng said, stepping in and placing the bag down on the table. "We found an apartment and signed for it, we can move in whenever."

After nearly dropping the case of water on his own foot, HyungJoon went straight to KyuJong's side. "Hey, how are you feeling?" He smiled and kissed his boyfriend's cheek.

"Better," KyuJong smiled. He was still pale, but wasn't as tired looking. "You found an apartment already? When are we going?" He asked, trying to sit up. JungMin had seen the pizza box in KiBum's hands and was making grabby motions towards, KiBum giving it up happily and moving to sit down on his bed.

"We're thinking maybe tomorrow?" HyungJoon said, tilting his head slightly. "If you're up for it by then." He settled in next to KyuJong, careful not to jostle him as he checked the bandages. "Time to change these." He got up again and went to the bag to get the supplies.

You want me to do it, or you think you got it?" KiBum asked, looking up as HyungJoon moved.

JungMin had settled the pizza box next to him and was happily eating, motioning for YoungSaeng to join him.

"I think I got it," HyungJoon replied, sitting back down next to KyuJong and carefully undoing the bandages. YoungSaeng curled up next to JungMin, watching what was going on. "Kyu, we picked up this, think it would make any difference?" HyungJoon asked, holding up the cream for him to see.

Blinking a bit, KyuJong took the cream from him and read the label. "No, this wouldn't work," he shook his head and looked up at HyungJoon. "But it should be okay to use for JungMin instead of using the antiseptic."

HyungJoon nodded, placing the cream to one side, a small pout on his lips since he'd thought it would help. Looking at the wound on KyuJong's shoulder, he picked up the antiseptic and started to carefully clean the injury like he'd seen KiBum do.

"Everything was all right here?" YoungSaeng murmured to JungMin.

"Thank you for trying though," KyuJong whispered, seeing the pout. "If it hadn't been infected already, it would have been okay to use," he winced a little at the stinging feel, but tried to ignore it.

"Yup," JungMin nodded, eating a slice of pizza. "He slept the whole time, only woke up a couple minutes before you guys got back, and I watched TV. I didn't recognize anyone on any of those shows," he shook his head.

"It has been a while," YoungSaeng murmured. "Any of the shows interesting?" He closed his eyes, resting his head against JungMin's shoulder. "I'll fix your sling once you're done eating."

HyungJoon did his best to make sure the wound was clean before placing the antiseptic aside and starting to bind it with new bandages. "Just about set. We got lots of water, need to get that blood cell count back up."

"Would have been more interesting if I knew who the people were, but it was entertaining at least," JungMin shrugged.

"Oh, I got you guys some fabric slings, save us on gauze," KiBum rolled off the bed and dug through the bag until he found them, passing one to YoungSaeng and the other to HyungJoon.

HyungJoon took the sling once he was done taping up the bandages. "I'll try and be careful, but this might hurt a little." Biting his lower lip, he carefully got the sling over KyuJong's arm and shoulder, securing it around his neck. YoungSaeng waited for JungMin to finish eating.

Doing his best not to flinch, KyuJong settled his arm into the sling, the strain on his shoulder relieved slightly at not having to hold up his arm. "Thanks, that feels a little better," he smiled at HyungJoon, taking his hand with his good one and squeezing it. "Is some of that pizza for me too?"

"Here, I'm done," JungMin closed up the box and leaned over to place it on the other bed and sat back, looking at YoungSaeng. "We don't have to change my bandages, right?"

"Yes we do," YoungSaeng said simply. "If you plan on going around performing we need to take proper care of your arm, and after yesterday it hasn't stopped bleeding." He rolled up JungMin's sleeve to take off the bandage.

HyungJoon pulled over the box of pizza, taking out a slice and holding it up for KyuJong. "Here you go, it's really good. Right KiBum?" He grinned at his brother.

JungMin grumped but didn't say anything and let YoungSaeng redo the bandages, clearly annoyed at having to be taken care of like this.

"Is it vegetarian?" KyuJong blinked a few times and rubbed at his head, still a little disoriented.

"No, all-dressed. Eat up," HyungJoon smiled.

Undoing the bandages, YoungSaeng grabbed the cream KyuJong said would be all right for JungMin's arm, reading the instructions before applying it as directed. "We're going to take it easy until your arm at least stops bleeding, I think," he murmured. "And dancing probably should be avoided for a while. Maybe we can learn more songs though." He smiled up at JungMin.

"But I don't eat meat," KyuJong mumbled, closing his eyes and leaning back against the headboard. He felt like his head was stuffed with wool at how fuzzy his memory was at the moment. "At least... I didn't."

KiBum looked over at KyuJong and frowned. "You've eaten meat loads of times since we got out."

"I have, haven't I," KyuJong nodded and looked up at HyungJoon with a smile. "Sorry, not sure where my mind is right now. Feed me?"

"Learning new songs would be good," JungMin nodded at YoungSaeng, eyeing the others at their conversation.

Worried, HyungJoon brushed his free hand lightly against KyuJong's forehead, checking his temperature. "Are you sure you're all right, Kyu?" He broke a piece of the slice off and held it lightly to his lips just to be sure.

YoungSaeng frowned lightly, wondering what was wrong.

Taking the food, KyuJong nodded as he chewed. "Just a little delirious is all," he chuckled. "I just need more sleep, and more pain killers."

"Does he have a fever?" KiBum slid to the edge of the bed, his eyes wide with worry.

"He's warm..." HyungJoon sighed softly and kissed KyuJong's temple. "After this, more rest for you. Maybe we should have picked up fever pills too."

YoungSaeng picked up the aspirin bottle and passed it to HyungJoon. "Give him another pill while he's eating."

"If the fever's not gone tomorrow, we may have to take him to the hospital," KiBum chewed on his lip. "Hopefully that infection didn't spread."

"I'll be fine," KyuJong smiled weakly. "Can't afford a hospital, just need aspirin and sleep. And more food, that pizza is good."

"We can afford a hospital if that's what you need to get better," HyungJoon murmured, finding his hand and squeezing it lightly. His stomach twisted into worried knots, feeling like despite his efforts he wasn't taking care of his boyfriend properly.

Taking the aspirin bottle, he opened it and held a pill to KyuJong's lips, water in his other hand. "Pill, then food."

Opening his mouth to take the pill and wash it down with water, KyuJong nodded slowly. "The aspirin will help with the fever, and the infection wouldn't have had time to spread. But the bandages will need to be changed every four hours to make sure it doesn't come back," he said, trying to clear his thoughts.

Nodding, HyungJoon put the water down once KyuJong was finished. "That's what we'll do then." He continued to break the pizza up into bite-sized pieces, feeding it to KyuJong.

Finishing cleaning and re-bandaging JungMin's arm, YoungSaeng picked up the fabric sling and started to ease it on. "Here you go..."

Eating slowly, KyuJong smiled at HyungJoon through bites. "I'm sorry, I don't want you to be worried about me like this, and I do want us to get moved soon. I'm excited about having an apartment."

"Thanks," JungMin got his arm situated in the sling, wrinkling his nose at it. "How long am I going to have to wear this for?"

"Unless your arm is properly scabbed over and not in danger of tearing open," YoungSaeng told him firmly, fingers lingering against JungMin's collar. "It's going to heal properly this time."

"It's fine," HyungJoon smiled in return. "We'll move as soon as you're able." He kept feeding his boyfriend, resting beside him against the headboard.

"As long as I'm not getting into any fights, I think it will," JungMin said, putting his arm around YoungSaeng and leaning in to him. "So what shall we do now, if he's going back to sleep?"

"Don't know," YoungSaeng shrugged. "I'm not tired. Any ideas?" He looked up at JungMin, resting against the other man as well. "And you better not get into any fights."

"Me either, and I won't get into any fights, not unless someone else mistakes you for a girl again," JungMin chuckled, nudging him lightly. "Why don't we go to the park?"

YoungSaeng wrinkled his nose at the reminder. No one better mistake him for a girl. "In that case, I can beat them up myself. And sure." He sat up straighter, watching the others before looking back at JungMin. "Want to go now?"

"If you do," JungMin nodded. "We'll be back later. Did you want to come with, KiBum?" He glanced at the youngest.

"No, that's okay, I'm going to get those cell phones working, and keep HyungJoon company if he's not planning on sleeping," KiBum said, sliding off the bed and picking up the bag that had the cell phones in them.

"You got cell phones?" JungMin blinked, eyes wide.

HyungJoon nodded. "Those small, pay-as-you-go ones. Only two for now, until we're able to afford more."

"Emergencies only," YoungSaeng said firmly, HyungJoon nodding.

"Neat, they'll come in handy," JungMin said and stood up. "We'll be back soon, the park's not that far," he took YoungSaeng's hand and helped him up.

Smiling, YoungSaeng climbed to his feet with JungMin's help and walked to the door. Looking back at the others, he opened the door and slipped outside, pulling JungMin out as well. "It's really nice outside."

"Perfect then to spend some time in the park," JungMin smiled, his arm immediately going about YoungSaeng's waist as they headed down the hall. "I hope there's a nice little hill like the one at Busan had."

"I hope so too, or at least an area with a lot of trees," YoungSaeng smiled. Looking down at the arm around his waist, he chuckled and leaned against JungMin. "You must be itching to get outside."

"Haven't been outside just to walk around since we left Busan," JungMin said as they reached the elevator and he pressed the call button. "Not since our last performance."

"Right," YoungSaeng mused. "It'll be nice to wander a little." There was nothing to be afraid of here. No facility, no SangMi, just them. Stepping into the elevator once it arrived, he turned to bury his nose against JungMin's shirt, closing his eyes.

Smiling gently, JungMin rested his cheek against YoungSaeng's head and held him with his good arm. "Sharing an apartment with the others is going to be interesting, I'm sure we'll be wanting to get away from them every now and then."

"Definitely," YoungSaeng chuckled. "It's a nice apartment though. Better than we'd find anywhere else, even if the walls are pretty thin." His fingers curled into the fabric of JungMin's shirt. "That's fine, we'll be out singing and dancing in the park, right?"

"Right," JungMin kissed the top of his head and looked up when the door opened to the lobby. Taking YoungSaeng's hand he led him off the elevator towards the front doors. "Can't wait to see this apartment, and we'll be sharing a room, yes?"

"Why are you asking stupid questions?" YoungSaeng wrinkled his nose at the younger man, though there was a smile on his lips. "Who else am I supposed to room with?" He followed along after JungMin, enjoying the feeling of the other man's hand in his own.

"I don't know, maybe you're missing sharing a room with KiBum," JungMin shrugged, peering down at him with a playful smile.

"I think I frustrated poor KiBummie to no end," YoungSaeng chuckled, shaking his head. "You, I at least frustrate to a lesser degree." He drew random shapes over JungMin's palm with his thumb as they walked out onto the street, and towards the park.

"That was also when you couldn't talk, you're far more agreeable now that you can talk," JungMin said, looking around as they went. It was nicer here than it had been in Busan, that oppressive feel was gone. "Besides, I like it when you frustrate me."

"You must be masochist," YoungSaeng said, raising an eyebrow in amusement. He stretched out his arms as they walked, breathing in the fresh air.

"Nah, see you getting frustrated means I can do this," JungMin said, leaning down and kissing him. "And then you calm down, and then you smile. So it all works out."

Blinking at the kiss, YoungSaeng felt his lips curl upwards before he could help it. "Whatever you say." He leaned against him, biting his lower lip lightly as he thought. "Ah, there's the park," he said after a moment, pointing.

"Let's go," JungMin grinned, squeezing YoungSaeng's hand and leading him towards the entrance. Taking in a deep breath once inside and under the trees and looked around. "This is nice."

"Mhm." YoungSaeng looked up at the leaves above their heads, smiling widely at the light peeking through. Walking around, a leave fell in front of his face and made him stop, blinking owlishly for a moment before he laughed.

Watching the leaf fall to the ground, JungMin laughed as well and pulled YoungSaeng off the path. "Come on, I think there's a hill over here with our name on it," he said, pulling him towards a clearing. Carefully sitting down, he tugged YoungSaeng down next to him and leaned against the other man. "Now this is perfect."

YoungSaeng willingly dropped down next to JungMin. "Definitely," he sighed, curling up beside JungMin. Looking around, he absently played with the hand in his own. "Not a bad place to spend the next little while..."

"Not bad at all," JungMin agreed, closing his eyes and leaning his head against YoungSaeng's. "I'm sure it will be nice during the evening as well when we sing."

"Mhm." YoungSaeng closed his eyes as well, smiling in contentment. "We probably won't get as big a crowd here, but that's all right." Turning JungMin's hand over, he traced the lines of the other man's palm.

"Can't say I'll really notice the crowd," JungMin said, opening his eyes a sliver to watch YoungSaeng's hand on his own.

"You should notice the crowd," YoungSaeng chuckled. He was back to drawing shapes again, the younger man's hand like a canvas.

"How can I when you're there and taking up all my attention?" JungMin smiled, watching YoungSaeng draw on his skin.

"Sorry for being so distracting." YoungSaeng bit his lower lip, the lines he drew becoming more deliberate. Sa.

"Don't apologize, never said it was a bad thing," JungMin blinked and continued to watch YoungSaeng's hand, curious.

YoungSaeng pursed it is. "It obviously is if you can't focus on what we're supposed to be doing." Rang.

"I focus just fine when I need to," JungMin murmured. His eyebrow went up and he glanced at YoungSaeng out of the corner of his eye. "Saeng.. are you trying to tell me something here?"

"No you don't." YoungSaeng didn't answer the question, lips quirked slightly. Hae.

"I do too," JungMin said, turning his head to look at YoungSaeng properly. "Like right now, you're trying to tell me something so you have my complete and undivided attention. So why can't you say it?"

Looking down at JungMin's hand, YoungSaeng swallowed a little. Maybe he was just nervous. There was a part of him that insisted he wasn't ready to say it out loud, but he knew he was. "Is it all right to say it?"

"Of course it is," JungMin nodded, lacing his fingers around YoungSaeng's and holding his hand tight. "As long as you want to, and are ready to."

YoungSaeng watched JungMin's hand for a moment, before slowly looking up at the younger man. His lips quirked slightly. He wanted to...and he was ready.

"I...I love you, JungMin."

Smiling broadly, JungMin looked in YoungSaeng's eyes for a long moment. "I love you too, YoungSaeng." He leaned in and pressed their lips together, that feeling of contentment that had started not that long ago was a warmth spreading through his chest. It was the greatest feeling in the world.

Leaning up, YoungSaeng returned the kiss, feeling his heart swell as he brought a hand up to cup JungMin's cheek. Even though they hadn't known each other that long, even though his experience with SangMi had made him certain he would never be in a relationship again, he felt secure in his decision. "Thank you," he whispered against the other man's mouth. "Thank you, thank you."

"Why are you thanking me?" JungMin pulled back to look in YoungSaeng's eyes again. "If anything I should be thanking you. You're the first person who has ever said that to me, the first person who's loved me. Thank you, YoungSaeng."

"No reason to thank me." YoungSaeng smiled up at him, resting his head against JungMin's shoulder and brushing his thumb over the other man's cheek. "You're the first person to tell me so who hasn't turned out to be a psychopath," he chuckled, leaning up a little to brush his lips against JungMin's again.

Smiling into the kiss, JungMin wrapped his arm around YoungSaeng and held him tight. There was no reason to explain more, they both had their reasons for wanting to thank the other, and be grateful for each other. Besides, he was happy, and in love, and that's all that mattered.

rp, rating: pg-13, fic: waking up, pairing: hyungjun/kyujong, pairing: jungmin/youngsaeng

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