Silk and Collars ch 24

Jan 04, 2012 17:20

Title: Silk and Collars
Chapter: 24/24
Pairing: YoungSaeng/Everyone, multiple side pairings
Rating: NC-17
Crossover: Super Junior, DBSK, Big Bang, UKiss
Genre: Angst, AU,
Summary: Silk robes, leather collars, and sex. In this world, pleasing your Master can mean life or death.
A/N: Ongoing RP with

"Good, just relax, and breathe," YoungSaeng said, sitting cross legged on the pillow and closing his eyes. Training was going well for the first time in the few months since the incident where he had died.

The full bond with HyunJoong had definitely improved the man's control over his ability.

Too bad the same couldn't be said for the new slave YoungSaeng was currently training. It wasn't entirely his fault though, it was difficult to concentrate with the amount of sex going on in the house. HyungJoon even partaking since YeSung had arrived, the two often found in compromising positions as well.

Not that YoungSaeng blamed anyone, especially since he and HyunJoong were by far the worst in the house. Except HyunJoong had been gone for the past few days, another attack on one of the border clans had occurred and he was still needed. YoungSaeng had been keeping himself occupied with training the new slave, ShinWoo, though his mind was wandering more often than not.

JungMin was sitting in, wincing when the small ball of light in ShinWoo’s hands imploded yet again. Glancing at YoungSaeng, then at ShinWoo, he sighed. “I don’t know who to accuse of not paying attention.”

"I am paying attention," YoungSaeng huffed, straightening again. "That was a good effort though ShinWoo, keep trying." ShinWoo nodded and started again, closing his eyes and holding out his hand. YoungSaeng stuck his tongue out at JungMin.

“Liar, liar, pants on fire.” JungMin hissed, flicking a flame close to YoungSaeng’s pants before extinguishing it.

"Leave me alone," YoungSaeng grumbled. "It's been nearly a week, I miss him. Do you blame me?"

“It’s been 3 days.” JungMin rolled his eyes. “And Kyu and Joon went with him and you don’t see me and YeSung complaining.”

"Why would you?" YoungSaeng gave him a pointed look. "Don't think I don't know. I'm the only one in this house not getting any the past week." ShinWoo made a small coughing noise in embarrassment. "Okay, I'm not the only one, my point still stands."

“I don’t think that’s why he’s coughing.” JungMin grinned. Honestly, with all his blushing ShinWoo reminded him of a certain someone else. “And if you wanted some, you could have just joined.”

The coughing noise turned into a coughing fit.

"Maybe next time," YoungSaeng sighed, pouting at JungMin. "Well I don't think this practice is going so well today. Time for a break I think, don't you ShinWoo?" He chuckled softly at how quickly the kid got up and bolted out the door.

“We should probably give him a break.” JungMin grinned. He’d never seen someone run so fast before. “Or maybe I should visit his room tonight.”

"Don't terrorize the poor boy," YoungSaeng laughed, leaning back on his hands. "Unless of course he finds his way into your room, has that happened?"

“Not yet.” JungMin sighed, flopping backwards. “I’ve tempted him, but I swear, I think the guy was brought up in some nunnery. He’s worse than Hyun was.”

"He's also a bit younger that Hyun was, and some just aren't that interested," YoungSaeng said, watching JungMin in amusement. "You have more than enough choices around here anyway, I don't know why you would have to torment him," he said, sliding across the floor to straddle JungMin's waist. "How about tempting someone a little more willing?"

“Because he’s going to have to get used to it, sooner or later. And I like fresh blood.” JungMin chuckled, staring up at YoungSaeng. “Oh well, you aren’t exactly fresh, but you’ll have to do.”

YoungSaeng's jaw dropped and he swatted at JungMin's arm. "I'm hurt Min, I thought you liked being with me. What, am I too used up for you now or something?"

JungMin laughed at YoungSaeng’s expression. “I was joking, but actually, now that I think about it. The way you and Hyun keep going at it like rabbits does give truth to that sentence.”

"...." YoungSaeng punched JungMin hard in the stomach and tried to get up. "Now you're just being mean, I don't like you anymore."

JungMin grabbed onto YoungSaeng’s waist pulling him back down and waggled his eyebrows. “Nevertheless, I know you want some~”

"Not if you're just going to be mean to me," YoungSaeng pouted, crossing his arms and looking away.

“Aw... don’t be like that.” JungMin chuckled, pulling YoungSaeng down for a kiss. “I’m sorry, master.”

YoungSaeng returned the kiss begrudingly, still pouting a little. "You better be sorry, that was uncalled for JungMin. You're going to have to really make it up to me now."

“Alright...” JungMin deepened the kiss, hands going under YoungSaeng’s robe. “I will... although maybe in a second you might not want me to.”

“Yah...” a voice sounded from the doorway then, and it sounded disappointed. “I’m gone for less than three days and you’re already at it with JungMin?”

Perking up, YoungSaeng's head popped up to look toward the doorway with a grin. "You expect any less from me?" he chuckled, holding out his hands in a grabby motion. "I missed you so much."

“What am I? Some kind of kid toy?” But HyunJoong did move over to YoungSaeng, pulling him up from JungMin’s lap. “Geez... sometimes I wonder who really is the master here.”

"The master is the one everyone wants," YoungSaeng grinned, wrapping his arms around HyunJoong's neck and kissing him deeply. "I really did miss you, and all I've had so far is a little bit of ass fondling from JungMin," he said, proud of himself for that.

"I'm going to guess someone else can't say the same though," KyuJong said, coming into the room and walking over to where JungMin was still sprawled out on the ground.

“To be fair, YeSung was the one who cornered me.” JungMin chuckled, holding his hands out of KyuJong.

“Uh huh...” HyunJoong shook his head, kissing YoungSaeng’s cheek. “So I’m guessing we head straight to your bedroom.”

"Mmmm, too far," YoungSaeng whined, pressing himself up against HyunJoong. "What's wrong with right here?"

"Yes yes, blame it all on YeSung," KyuJong chuckled, helping JungMin up. "Come on, while you were busy playing around, some of us were actually working."

“It’ll turn into an orgy if we stay here.” HyunJoong laughed eyeing JungMin and KyuJong. Already, he could hear the sounds of sex outside where YeSung had no doubt accosted HyungJoon.

"You say that like it's a bad thing," YoungSaeng murmured, nipping at HyunJoong's jaw. "If you want to go upstairs, you better hurry and drag me away, otherwise I'm pulling you down right here."

“It’s a bad thing for ShinWoo.” HyunJoong reminded, grinning, but he pulled YoungSaeng away. Already, JungMin and KyuJong were at it, JungMin having tackled KyuJong to the ground for something or another.

YoungSaeng laughed, following HyunJoong out the door. HyungJoon and YeSung hadn't made it very far, the younger of the two had YeSung pressed up against the wall, clothes off and going at it. "You're going to scar poor ShinWoo," YoungSaeng tutted, rewarded with a loud moan from one of them. "Well I'm glad HyungJoon has someone to keep him occupied now, I think Zhou Mi was just a little too much for him," YoungSaeng said, trying to keep up with HyunJoong.

HyunJoong was already untying YoungSaeng’s robes, teasing the skin underneath. “Huh, really. Well, I’d never know.”

YoungSaeng shivered at that. "Zhou Mi was almost too much for JungMin as well, as odd as that is to imagine. Sometimes I miss that strange man.. especially his cooking."

“But you couldn’t keep him from his love, huh?” HyunJoong chuckled. “And what’s wrong with KyuJong’s or my cooking? We do well enough.” He murmured, nipping YoungSaeng’s ear as they finally got to the room, taking a few tries before he got the door open.

"Well I've always enjoyed KyuJong's cooking," YoungSaeng replied, dragging HyunJoong backwards towards the bed, untying his robes as they went. "Your cooking is... an acquired taste Hyun."

“Yah... what does that mean?” HyunJoong murmured, shrugging off his robes and practically diving on top of YoungSaeng.

Yelping when they collapsed back onto the bed, YoungSaeng didn't hesitate in wrapping his legs around HyunJoong's waist, biting at his shoulder and neck. "It means that I love you, and eat whatever you make because it's you who made it."

“And it almost means you’re hinting that my cooking is bad.” HyunJoong grumbled, not that he really cared, especially with the way YoungSaeng was nipping at his skin. He reached for the lube. “Oh well... I love you too, master. And so even if my cooking is bad, I’ll still cook for you when you’re hungry.”

Pulling back a little, YoungSaeng looked up into HyunJoong's eyes, his expression full of warmth and love. "And I will love it, no matter what," he said softly, pulling HyunJoong down for a deep kiss.

“Did you think... this would ever happen when you came here? That you’d find love?” HyunJoong asked, pausing in between kisses.

YoungSaeng thought about that for a moment, focusing half on the kisses, and half on his train of thought. "No... I never thought I would find love here," he murmured, running his hand up and down HyunJoong's chest. "I'm glad I did though... you?"

HyunJoong shook his head. “Definitely not.” When he’d first come here, he thought he’d been trapped in a nightmare - in a dry, barren world without his family and friends and everything had been so strange and terrifying. “But like you, I’m glad I did.”

That earned a bigger grin from YoungSaeng, kissing HyunJoong again. "I love you Hyun..." he murmured, always grateful for the ability to tell HyunJoong that every day, and never taking it for granted.

“I love you too.” HyunJoong replied, however cliché those words may be, they carried the truth in his heart.

And in this crazy land where people were at other’s throats for power, and where rules and pleasing your master could determine how you lived, it was the only thing worth caring about.

And it was the only thing that made HyunJoong want to stay there, forever.

rp, fandom: big bang, fic: silk and collars, fandom: super junior, fandom: ukiss, fandom: ss501, rating: nc-17, fandom: dbsk

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