All That Glitters part 3

Jan 01, 2012 03:23

Title: All That Glitters
Chapter: 3/?
Pairing: past!HyunJoong/KyuJong
Warnings: AU, angst
Rating: R overall
Summary: HyunJoong is a man of society who must have the latest things, but keeping his latest find could be far more than he had bargained for.
A/N: Christmas present for yeonah <333 Hopefully I'll have this all finished by Christmas xD

"I'm fine."

HyunJoong winced at the tone, pulling his phone slightly away from his ear. He should have expected that GyuRi would be angry with him, but that didn't make it any easier to take. Having given her a few days to calm down, he didn't even want to wonder what it would have been like had he tried to talk to her the day after the incident.

"I really am sorry, GyuRi," he tried again. "I promise nothing like that will ever happen again."

"Of course it won't, as I will not be anywhere near that feathered freak again," GyuRi replied angrily. "That... thing needs to be put down HyunJoong."

Pursing his lips slightly, HyunJoong leaned back in his chair and quelled the sharp retort he had in mind. "I'm sorry you feel that way GyuRi, but he is just untrained. I already explained why he did what he did, to protect you." Whether that was the truth of it or not, HyunJoong wasn't sure.

JungMin had refused to acknowledge his presence the few times he had gone to see the Songbird. He wouldn't confirm or deny that had been his intent, sitting in his chair and staring blankly at the curtained windows.

"I don't care," GyuRi huffed, and HyunJoong could easily visualize the girl rolling her eyes at him. "That thing is going to bring you nothing but misery HyunJoong. Get rid of it before it tries to kill you too."

"He won't kill me," HyunJoong said quietly. "If he wanted to, he would have done so already."

There was a soft sigh on the other end, GyuRi repositioning her phone and her tone quietening. "Hyun... I'm worried about you," she said, startling HyunJoong enough that he pulled the phone away from his ear to look at it briefly. "-alone in that big house," she was continuing. "That bird won't replace him."

HyunJoong's lips thinned slightly and his eyes closed. "I don't want to talk about this GyuRi," he replied after a slow breath. "I'm fine. I have been for a while. You don't need to keep mothering me."

"Well someone needs to. I know you miss him," GyuRi said. "Have you told him?"

"We're just friends, GyuRi. That's how he wants it."

"Is that what he said? Or are you putting words in his mouth."

"I don't want to talk about this," HyunJoong said again, firmly. "What happened between us is just that, between us. Please stop trying to butt in."

"Alright, I'll let it go." GyuRi sighed a little into the phone, but HyunJoong knew her well enough to know that it wasn't the end. "Do yourself a favor though, and get rid of that bird."

"Say hello to HyungJoon for me, he's a good guy," HyunJoong said, ignoring her words. "I have to go. I'll talk to you again soon, and again, I'm sorry."

"Apology accepted," GyuRi replied. "Take care of yourself."

Hanging up the phone, HyunJoong rubbed at his eyes to try and quell the headache that had formed behind them. The incident with GyuRi did have him seriously reconsidering keeping the bird, and maybe HeeChul had been right that JungMin wasn't ready to be in a home.

Despite his best efforts, JungMin's training had come to a full stop, the bird refusing to acknowledge him anymore. After several days of that, HyunJoong had stopped seeing him altogether, too annoyed to deal with it. He had gone back to work, trying to forget about the damned stubborn bird for just long enough to ease his irritation and forgive JungMin. By the look in JungMin's eyes afterward, he knew there hadn't been a malicious intent, but he had just been so angry.

Now that a week had gone by since the last time he had spoken to JungMin, it was probably time to try again. Getting up from his chair, he left his office and headed down the hallway to the solarium, unlocking the door and stepping inside.

It took a moment before he realized what was wrong. JungMin wasn't in his chair. Instead, the bird was sprawled out on the floor, the color of his wings and skin pale and sickly. Eyes widening, he dropped his keys and rushed to the cage, not sure what to do.

"JungMin? JungMin? Wake up," he said, moving around the cage so he could see the bird's face. A very slow rise and fall of his chest assured him JungMin was still alive, but just barely. What was wrong? Was he sick? Nothing HeeChul had told him mentioned that he could get sick, or what to do if he did get sick.

There was no response from JungMin, his form lying still on the cold flooring. Fumbling into his pocket, HyunJoong found his cell phone and called the first number he could think of. "Help, please," he whispered. "Come over, now," he said when there was a startled answer on the other end before hanging up.

Twenty minutes later, a worried and frightened KyuJong came into the room, his eyes going between the Songbird on the floor and HyunJoong crouching just outside the cage.

"Hyun... what..." KyuJong whispered, walking forward slowly. "Oh my god, what did you do?"

"Nothing, nothing," HyunJoong said, his head snapping upward at the man's voice and straightening. "I... I... at least... I don't think I did. I came in, and he was on the floor, I don't know what to do KyuJong, help me, please. Help him."

"You didn't tell me..." KyuJong was saying, his eyes staying on the fallen bird, a tightness to his eyes that HyunJoong hadn't seen in a long time. "Why are the curtains closed?" he asked, moving towards the windows.

"He... he was being punished," HyunJoong said, not understanding and following KyuJong like a puppy. "He nearly killed GyuRi, or could have, if he hadn't stopped, so I was punishing him by taking away the sun since he liked it so much. Was that wrong?"

"Yes, it was so wrong... HyunJoong..." KyuJong said, throwing open the curtains to let in the light of the afternoon sun. "You could have killed him," he continued, moving around the room to open every curtain that would let in light. "It has nothing to do with him liking the sun, he needs the sun to live. Just as we need water, he needs the sun."

"Oh.. I... I had no idea," HyunJoong whispered, watching numbly. "HeeChul never said anything."

"HeeChul is an idiot," KyuJong snapped, shaking his head. "This is all my fault... stupid.. so stupid," he said, opening the last curtain and walking back towards the cage. "All my fault."

"How is it your fault?" HyunJoong asked in confusion, following him back again. "Kyu?"

"I'm the reason they're here," KyuJong said quietly, kneeling down on the floor bare inches from the webbing of the cage. "It's my fault... and I will never forgive myself."

Kneeling down next to him, HyunJoong gently touched KyuJong's shoulder, the younger man looking at JungMin. "How could it be your fault?"

"I promised them all I would keep them safe, and I broke that promise," KyuJong whispered, shaking his head. "I can't let them down again, not if this is the price."

"Please, KyuJong, tell me," HyunJoong asked again, worried about his friend and the despair in his tone. "You didn't do this, I'm the one that nearly killed him."

"And it's because of me that you did," KyuJong said, looking at him with teary eyes. "I don't think this is enough... he's not waking up."

Distracted momentarily by that, HyunJoong looked at where JungMin was laying. His chest still rose and fell slowly, but the color to his plumage and skin remained pale. "What do we do? Do you know?"

"There's only one thing I can think of," KyuJong said. "I need a knife, or scissors... and some gloves."

HyunJoong frowned at that, but he nodded, getting up to retrieve what KyuJong had asked for in another room before bringing them back. "What are you going to do?"

"Stand back," KyuJong said, getting up. HyunJoong took a step back, confused even as KyuJong started cutting at the webbing and pulling the cage apart. "Sunlight, it's not enough. He's too far gone."

"Kyu... you're not going to... kill him are you?" HyunJoong asked, watching nervously as KyuJong continued to tear away at the threads.

"God no, I'm not a murderer," KyuJong replied. "He needs what we can't provide, I just hope it will work and we'll be in time."

"Could you please answer me?" HyunJoong said, his worry growing when the hole in the cage was big enough for KyuJong to get through and he slipped inside. "Kyu?"

"Just help me get him out to my car, I'll try to explain on the way," KyuJong said, kneeling down next to JungMin and checking his pulse. "He's stable at least, the sunlight did that much. I don't know how much longer he would have survived."

"I didn't know, I swear I didn't," HyunJoong said, taking a few steps forward.

"You couldn't have, and that's because HeeChul is an idiot," KyuJong said, taking JungMin's hands and slowly dragging him across the floor. Between the two of them, HyunJoong being a little stronger than KyuJong and being able to pick the bird up, they got JungMin out of the cage and started for the door.

"He's really heavy," HyunJoong said, having to adjust his hold on JungMin, one wing flapping out awkwardly.

It took a bit of maneuvering, but they managed to get JungMin out of the house and into KyuJong's car, laying him across the back seat. JungMin hadn't so much as twitched the entire time, passed out cold.

"Do you remember when we were kids, we couldn't have been more than fifteen or so," KyuJong said as he drove the short distance to his house, "and you were staying with me for winter break. That time when you broke your arm?"

"You mean when you pushed me down a hill when we were sledding? Yes, I remember," HyunJoong said, his lip quirking slightly.

"I did not push you," KyuJong said, frowning at that. "That's not the point, the point is you remember afterward?"

"Let's see.. you felt so guilty for pushing me down the hill that you played nursemaid to me for the next month," HyunJoong said.

"And it made you feel better, right? The entire time my servant was driving us to the hospital, I kept you distracted from the pain," KyuJong said, glancing at him briefly. "You said I made the difference in getting better."

"I did say that... and you did," HyunJoong nodded, watching him with a thoughtful expression. "You always knew just how to take care of me, whether I liked it or not. Still do, actually."

KyuJong's expression tightened slightly at that, but he didn't comment. "It was because I loved you, even then I loved you so much I wanted to take care of you, and protect you."

It was HyunJoong's turn for his expression to change, from warm to something unreadable as he looked away. "Funny how things change." Hearing a small sigh of irritation, HyunJoong looked back at him, not sure what to make of that. "What does that have to do with anything, or are you just reminiscing about things that happened a lifetime ago."

"I'm not..." KyuJong started, but didn't continue, his jaw working slightly as he took a deep breath. "It has everything to do with this. It's something HeeChul failed to tell you because he is far too focused on how much profit he would make."

"And that is...?" HyunJoong asked, looking over his shoulder at JungMin. Being outside and in direct sunlight with the window rolled down seemed to be helping, a bit of color had returned to his cheeks.

"You'll see," KyuJong said, pulling up into the driveway of his home and parking the car outside the back entrance. "I'll get the doors, you carry him?"

Getting JungMin out of the car and in the house was easier this time around, HyunJoong making sure his wings were secured and not going to smash into a doorway. KyuJong led him through the house to the parlor where HyunJoong knew YoungSaeng was being kept. Unlocking the door, KyuJong opened it for him and motioned him in, HyunJoong quickly stepping inside.

The cage he remembered was gone, as well as the chair. But YoungSaeng was still there. Standing at one of the windows, the Songbird turned when he heard the door, his wings rustling behind him.

"Saeng? Can you help him?" KyuJong asked, stepping out of the way to reveal HyunJoong holding JungMin.

HyunJoong was surprised by the reaction, YoungSaeng's wings flaring and flapping angrily, his expression souring as he half marched, half glided towards him. The sound he made as he got closer, the sound of a wounded animal. Slowly lowering JungMin down to the floor, HyunJoong kept a wary eye on YoungSaeng as he approached and stepped back quickly.

YoungSaeng knelt down next to JungMin, his eyes wide in worry as his fingers touched JungMin's cheek lightly, trailing down to his jaw. His other hand found JungMin's and he laced their fingers together as he leaned down to press a kiss to JungMin's lips, wings closing around them to hide them.

"The Songbird's... as HeeChul calls them," KyuJong said softly to HyunJoong, taking his hand and gently pulling him away, "they mate for life. JungMin, is YoungSaeng's mate."

HyunJoong blinked at that, his eyes going from the two birds to KyuJong in confusion. "How do you know this?"

"Do you remember after we graduated, I took a trip to China?" KyuJong said, continuing when HyunJoong nodded. "I had gone on HeeChul's backing, using a few of his men as guides. We got lost though, unfortunately, and we ended up in the mountains with no food, water, or anything. The people of a small village found us, took us in, cared for us. That's when I saw YoungSaeng for the first time."

"But that was... years ago," HyunJoong whispered.

KyuJong nodded, taking a small breath. "We stayed in the village for a few weeks, it took us that long to figure out where we were and how to get back. I spent a lot of time with YoungSaeng, and JungMin, and the others. Learning about them, learning their language and all about them."

"So how did they end up here then?" HyunJoong asked, though he was sure he already knew the answer.

KyuJong's eyes saddened and he looked down at the floor. "I promised YoungSaeng and the people of the village that I would keep their secret. They had lived in the mountains for generations, completely isolated from the rest of the world, just to keep the Songbird's safe. Unfortunately, HeeChul's men broke their promise to keep the secret and they told HeeChul, who went in and captured as many of the birds as he could find."

"Oh my god..." HyunJoong felt an overwhelming distaste and anger at HeeChul for what he had done. Even more at himself for playing a part of it.

"When I found out, I approached HeeChul and he told me what his plan was," KyuJong continued, his hand tightening around HyunJoong's arm. "To breed the Songbird's like common livestock and sell them around the world. Not caring in the least that he was tearing mates apart, killing them. He refused to sell more than one to any buyer, so I bought YoungSaeng, just to get him out of there."

"But why... why did you not tell me any of this?" HyunJoong asked.

"Because I know you, and I know you wouldn't have believed in this cause," KyuJong said, looking up at him again. "Not until you saw for yourself."

"What? Kyu... I would have understood if you had told me, I would have helped," HyunJoong said. He couldn't believe what KyuJong was saying. Did KyuJong think so little of him?

"No, you wouldn't have," KyuJong said, shaking his head. "You only believe in material things, material possessions. If had told you about this, about all of it before you had seen for yourself you wouldn't have done anything. You only care about what affects you. The only way I could make you understand was to appeal to that part of you that needs to possess."

HyunJoong pulled his arm from KyuJong's grip, staring at him as if he had never seen the man before. This was not a side he had ever seen of KyuJong, and it cut at him deeply that the man he loved would think of him that way. "How can you say that? How can you stand there and say that to my face, as if it's the only truth?"

"Because it is," KyuJong said quietly. "You always ask me why we didn't work HyunJoong... and it's because you wanted so badly to keep me in a cage, to put me on a pedestal so I could be another part of your collection. Are you going to say that isn't true? That being with you, you wouldn't have kept me within arm's reach at all times and paraded me around like a trophy?"

"Kyu... that..." HyunJoong rubbed at his forehead. "Can we not do this, please."

"You know it's true," KyuJong said, stepping closer to him and resting his hands on HyunJoong's shoulders. "I loved you, so much... and I always will. That is why I trusted you to help me, even if I couldn't tell you what it was. If I had asked you, you wouldn't have done anything."

"I would have," HyunJoong whispered, looking into KyuJong's eyes, the hurt palatable. "I would have because I would do anything for you. I still love you, I always have. All you had to do was ask."

KyuJong took a deep breath, one hand coming up to rest on HyunJoong's cheek. "I'm asking now... will you help me?"

Placing his hand over KyuJong's, HyunJoong nodded. "Of course, anything."

KyuJong smiled softly at that, looking over HyunJoong's features. "Okay... I have a plan."

fic: all that glitters, rating: pg-13, fandom: ss501, pairing: hyunjoong/kyujong

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