Never Online ch. 48

Nov 08, 2011 14:29

Title: Never Online
Chapter: 48/50
Pairing: JungMin/KyuJong, HyunJoong/Tablo
Rating: R overall
Warning: AU, violence, angst
Summary: As part of the security detail for the online game known as Never, two officers encounter a group of elite hackers that seem intent on destroying the game, and it's their job to stop them.
A/N: RP with yeonah. Crossover with Super Junior, U-Kiss and Epik High

The waiting room was quiet, nerves finally settling in after how long they'd been waiting for a response from the doctors.  Even JongWoon had given up all attempts to start a random conversation and was curled up in his seat, staring at the door across from them.

It had been nearly four hours since KyuJong had gone into surgery, and as far as any of them had been told, he was still there.  The doctor's appointment a month ago had led to another, then another...then here.

Arms crossed and leaning back in his seat, YoungSaeng was still pissed. They hadn't believed him that he was family and wouldn't let him any further to wait outside the operating room. He hated not knowing what was going on and that KyuJong's life was in someone elses hands.

It was obvious JungMin wasn't too happy either, the redhead had been pacing off and on the entire time, stopping at the doors to peer through the glass window before starting to pace again. "How long did they say it was going to take?" he asked for the hundredth time.

"About four hours," YoungSaeng replied, again. "You know how these things are though, he could be in there for a while."

RyeoWook stayed beside YoungSaeng, running one hand slowly up and down the older man's arm to calm him.  At the same time, he was just as worried; they'd all known that the surgery did have the risk KyuJong wouldn't survive; all surgeries had that risk.  The nervous but hopeful smile KyuJong had given them before walking past those doors was at the front of his mind, praying quietly to himself.

"It's better if they take their time and make sure nothing happens," Daniel said, beside HyunJoong.  He'd taken it upon himself to keep the younger man calm, though he wasn't sure if it was working.  They were all worried.  "JungMin, sit down will you?"  The pacing was making the others agitated.

"Sitting down won't make them come out faster," JungMin said, peeking through the door again.

"No, but if you don't sit down, I'll make sure you're sent to the emergency room," YoungSaeng threatened, glowering at JungMin until the redhead finally sat down next to RyeoWook.

"You're not the only one worried here Min," HyunJoong said, leaning forward in his seat with his elbows on his knees.

Daniel sighed softly, rubbed HyunJoong's back.  RyeoWook gave JungMin a strained smile, his free hand finding his hyung's and squeezing lightly.

There was another long half-hour of nothing before the door opened, a nurse stepping out.  "Heo YoungSaeng sshi?" she read from a clipboard, looking up at those waiting in the room.

YoungSaeng stood up immediately, eyes wide with worry. "Yes? That's me," he nodded, stepping towards her. "Is he okay? Can I see him?"

"He's asleep for the moment, but he should wake up shortly," she said, looking up at him.  "I can escort you to his room, there's a maximum of three visitors allowed in the room at one time."

Breathing heavily in a sigh of relief, YoungSaeng glanced over at JungMin who was already on his feet and at HyunJoong. "Let's go then, I want to be there when he wakes up," YoungSaeng said, motioning the two to hurry up.

"Okay okay," HyunJoong didn't really have to be told twice, squeezing Daniel's hand lightly before standing up and following YoungSaeng and the nurse through the door, JungMin just behind him.

They were brought through the white-washed hallways, past the intensive care and post-op sections of the hospital to the patient's wing.  The nurse spoke briefly with a doctor in the hallway before going to a door, looking back at them.  "Please remain quiet."

Opening the door, she let them into the room.  KyuJong was lying in the hospital bed, thick bandages wrapped around his eyes and breathing in and out slowly in sleep.  A heart monitor registered a regular heartbeat beside him.

YoungSaeng was the first in, padding quietly into the room to KyuJong's side. Careful not to bump any of the wires or equipment, he slowly sat down on the stool that was next to the bed, taking his best friend's hand. "Hey Kyu, it's me," he said softly, looking over at JungMin and HyunJoong who had gone around to the other side. "Hyun and Min are here too."

KyuJong's fingers twitched a little, the young man slowly waking up as the drugs that had kept him under during the surgery had worn off.  Lips parting a little, it took him a few minutes to wake up enough to register the hand in his own.  "Saeng?" he whispered, fingers curling around the older man's.

"Hey you," YoungSaeng smiled, looking down at the hand in his. "You were in there a long time, how are you feeling?"

"Tired?"  KyuJong drew in a deep breath, trying to wake up more.  "My head's all fuzzy."  Hearing movement on his other side, he tilted his head a little.  "...Min?"

"Yeah, I'm right here," JungMin said, taking KyuJong's other hand. "Hyun's here too. You were in there a long time, we were so worried about you."

"Hi," KyuJong smiled a little.  " long was it?  Did the doctors say anything?"  He held onto JungMin's hand in return.

"A little more than four hours," JungMin said, frowning a little. "No, the doctor hasn't been in yet."

"He's probably waiting until you've woken up," HyunJoong shrugged. "I don't think it's bad news though."

"Maybe," KyuJong whispered, nerves slowly starting to set in now that he was awake again.  His grip on YoungSaeng's hand tightened a little.  "What happens if...if it didn't work?  If nothing's happened?"

"Can't think like that," YoungSaeng soothed. "Remember what the doctor said, that this had a very good chance of working, you were a prime candidate for the procedure."

"Yeah, it'll work Kyu," JungMin chimed in. "It'll be a few weeks, but you'll be fine."

Lips quivering a little, KyuJong let go of their hands long enough to carefully try sitting up, aware from the pulling on one finger that he was connected to some sort of machine, a clamp over the digit.  "Thanks," he said quietly as he leaned back against the pillows, searching for YoungSaeng's hand again.  As much as he loved JungMin, he was scared and wanted his brother's support more than anything right now.  "Are the others back home?"

"No, they're waiting out in the lobby," YoungSaeng said, taking KyuJong's hand again. "Only allowed three people at a time, so they'll probably filter in later. You need anything? I'm not sure if you're allowed to eat yet, but I'm sure you can have some water."

"Water would be nice," KyuJong nodded a little.  He paused when he heard the door open, someone else stepping into the room.

"Good afternoon, I see you're already awake," the doctor they had been booking the appointments with smiled at the four of them before stepping over to the bed.  "And how are you feeling, KyuJong?"

"Not entirely awake," KyuJong admitted, still feeling like there was cotton stuffed in his head.

"The drugs are still wearing off, you'll feel better after another rest.  I'll need to take a few quick tests to make sure your health is in top condition."

"Is it okay if he has some water?" YoungSaeng asked, giving KyuJong's hand a light squeeze as he got up to get out of the doctor's way.

"That should be fine, he may not be able to hold down any solids until the anesthesia wears off though," the doctor said, putting on his stethoscope to listen to KyuJong's heart.

"I'll be right back with some water Kyu," YoungSaeng said softly, stepping out of the room.

Nodding a little, KyuJong leaned back against the pillows and did as instructed, breathing in and out deeply.  The doctor checked his heart and lungs, his blood pressure, the monitors around him as well as asked questions about how KyuJong felt, particularly his eyes.

By the time YoungSaeng had returned, the check-up was done.  "I'd like him to stay here overnight so we can monitor his condition a little longer," the doctor was telling HyunJoong.  "You will be able to bring him back home tomorrow morning.  The bandages will have to stay on while he heals from the surgery.  We'll book an appointment for next week to remove them."

"Can we stay with him?" YoungSaeng asked, guiding KyuJong's hand to the water. "Overnight?"

"Only family, are you next of kin?" the doctor asked, frowning slightly at the question.

"Yes, I'm his brother," YoungSaeng nodded. "I'd like to stay with him."

"Alright, but he really needs some rest now, so I'll have to ask everyone else to wait in the lobby, or to go home," the doctor said, nodding politely to them all.

Sipping at the water slowly, KyuJong smiled a little in relief when YoungSaeng was able to stay with him; he was a little overwhelmed right now.  When the doctor told the other two to leave though, he drew in a breath, carefully passing the water back to YoungSaeng and making sure the older man had a good grip on it.

"Min?" he called quietly for his boyfriend, arms out.

"Yeah, I'm still here," JungMin moved around HyunJoong and went to the side of the bed, taking KyuJong's hands. The doctor left the room, leaving the three along for the time being. "I wish I could stay here with you," he pouted, leaning down to kiss KyuJong's forehead.

"I wish so too," KyuJong murmured, feeling the kiss on his forehead.  He tugged on JungMin's hands a little, pulling him into a hug that was a little awkward with the monitor clip on his finger.  "I'll be back tomorrow?"

"First thing," JungMin nodded, his hands resting on KyuJong's sides. "You get plenty of rest tonight okay? I love you," he said, pulling back to give KyuJong a kiss and another tight hug before pulling back.

"Right, we'll both be back first thing in the morning," HyunJoong said, nodding to YoungSaeng. "Don't let Saeng mother you too much Kyu," he teased, dropping a kiss to KyuJong's forehead when JungMin moved out of the way.

Chuckling quietly, KyuJong tilted his head up to the older man as he found HyunJoong's hand, squeezing it lightly in both of his own.  "Thank you, hyung," he said softly, smiling.  "For everything.  Rest well."

"You too," HyunJoong smiled, squeezing KyuJong's hands lightly before letting go. "Let's go Min, we've got a lobby of anxious people wanting to know the news."

"Yeah, okay," JungMin sighed, giving KyuJong another nervous look over his shoulder as he followed HyunJoong out. "Bye Kyu, love you."

"Love you too Min," KyuJong replied, lips curling into a smile as he listened to them leave.  Then it was just him and YoungSaeng.  He sighed softly as he carefully laid back down, the bandages feeling awkward over his eyes.  He shifted to one side so YoungSaeng could lie down next to him if he wanted.  "You should get some sleep too, Saeng.  Thank you for staying."

"I'm fine, I'll sleep later," YoungSaeng said, pulling the stool back up to the side of the bed. "I wouldn't want you to stay in this cold room all by yourself, and honestly there's nowhere else I'd rather be."

KyuJong found YoungSaeng's hand again, holding onto it even as he felt himself falling back into sleep.  "Thank you...I can't wait to see your smile again," he whispered, breathing slowly evening out.

YoungSaeng smiled softly at that, lifting KyuJong's hand up to his lips to kiss the back of it. "Sleep well Kyu," he murmured, keeping the man's hand in his own as he watched KyuJong sleep. He knew just how much KyuJong wanted this to work, and how devastated he would be if it didn't. Even though KyuJong had spent most of his life blind, YoungSaeng was well aware how much he wanted to be able to see again.

Now it was just time to wait for KyuJong to heal, to see if all of this effort had been worth it.

Life was slow for the next little while.  A week after the surgery, KyuJong, HyunJoong, YoungSaeng and JungMin went back to the hospital to get the bandages removed from KyuJong's eyes.  The doctor had explained to them that the recovery of sight would be slow, as his eyes would need to adjust again.  Still, KyuJong had to bite back disappointment when, the first time he opened his eyes, the world was still as dark as before.

He was instructed to wear sunglasses all the time, even while indoors, to protect his eyes from the harsh sun.  After that, life went on.  They met with SungHyun's parents, who told them they would wait another month before letting him go, out of a faint hope he might still wake up.  More trials passed, and more of NVR's CEOs were thrown into jail under conspiracy charges.

The news was full of debates on what to do next, with arguments on both sides.  On one hand, they all knew now how dangerous an addiction to Never could be.  On another, it had given them many advancements, such as making education and jobs more widely available.

A few of those at the house went out to look for jobs every now and then.  They started setting up appointments and check-ups leading up to getting the hard drives out of JongWoon and YoungSaeng's heads.  Life was starting to return to the city around them, more people outside than before, and you could hear children laughing.

Jolted awake by something, KyuJong lay still and listened for a moment, nose buried in JungMin's shirt.  Someone's car alarm had gone off nearby.  The birds were out, so it was morning.  He yawned quietly, hiding his face against his boyfriend's neck again, not wanting to get up yet.

Not usually woken up so easily, JungMin made a grumble of annoyance at the movement, his grip tightening on KyuJong when the older man resettled against him. Unfortunately though, the combination of the sound of the car alarm and the birds finally filtered in enough and he started to wake up. "God damned birds," he muttered quietly. "Have half a mind to open the window and yell at them."

Chuckling quietly, KyuJong kissed JungMin's neck softly.  "Yell at the car, not the birds.  They're actually nice to listen to.  Did you sleep well?"  He reached up and ran his fingers through JungMin's hair.

"Mhm," JungMin nodded, yawning as well as he gave KyuJong a light kiss on the forehead. The car alarm going off still made him scowl. "I'm going to see if that's one of ours, since no one is turning it off," he said, untangling himself from around KyuJong and sliding off the bed. "Doesn't sound like one of our cars, but never know," he continued, pulling the curtains open and squinting to look outside.

Sitting up when JungMin left the bed, KyuJong tried to pat his messy hair down.  "And, is it-"

Sudden brightness drew a yelp of surprise, both hands going over his eyes instinctively.

Jumping at the sound, JungMin was back at KyuJong's side in seconds, eyes wide with worry. "Kyu? What's wrong? Are you okay? Is it your eyes? Something wrong?" he asked in a panic.

"Ow..."  Was all KyuJong said for a moment, wincing against the stinging sensation as his eyes watered.  As the pain slowly faded, he opened his eyes again behind his hands, slowly pulling them away.

Blinking repeatedly and squinting a little, KyuJong's gaze came into focus.  And his lips parted a little, tears rolling down his cheeks as clear brown eyes met JungMin's for the first time.

Still stuck in panic mode for KyuJong's safety, it took a moment before JungMin understood what was happening. When it did finally sink in that he was looking into KyuJong's eyes, and his boyfriend was looking back at him, a warm smile appeared. "...Hi," was all he could say.

KyuJong could only stare at him, fingers trembling.  "...Oh my God..." he reached out after a long stunned moment.  His fingertips brushed JungMin's jaw, he could see his own hand.  Everything was so blurry, but he was seeing his hand, and JungMin's face, and the sunlight framing him and making his red hair glow like it was on fire.

A watery laugh left him, tears flowing faster as he cupped JungMin's face with both hands.  "Are you real?" he whispered.

"...No, I'm just a figment of your very overactive imagination," JungMin snorted, brushing the tears away. "Of course I'm real silly, and.... you can see me? You can see? It worked?"

Lower lip trembling a little, KyuJong nodded, unable to help how his mouth pulled into a wide smile.  "It's so blurry...but..."  He laughed again, joy bubbling up inside him as his smile turned his eyes into half-moons, the tears that continued to fall both from the light of the sun and happiness.  "Oh, Min...a virtual game has nothing on you..."

JungMin laughed at that, shaking his head. "Give it a week and you'll be tired of my face I bet," he said. "Come on, we should go wake up Saeng, you want to see Saeng right? And your house, look at your house Kyu," he said, getting excited for KyuJong being able to see the house he had grown up in for the first time since he was a kid.

"I could never get tired of this," KyuJong gave a watery chuckle, before the rest of JungMin's words reached him.  Wiping at his eyes to try and get rid of the tears, he looked around his room, seeing it for the first time in nearly two decades.  Looking at the open window hurt his eyes, but it didn't discourage him.

"Can we go wake him up?" he beamed excitedly, carefully climbing to his feet before realizing something.  "...Maybe we should find clothes first," he flushed, though now he was watching JungMin again, taking in the body he'd long since mapped out in his mind.

JungMin just laughed, getting to his feet and wrapping his arm around KyuJong's waist and giving him another kiss. "Stare later, I promise I'll let you have all the time in the world to look at me, right now, get dressed," he said, patting KyuJong's rear before picking up his clothes from the floor and hastily pulling them on.

Biting back a squeak, KyuJong grinned widely and hurried to do the same.  He had to stop and do a double-take a few times, his usual routine interrupted by finally being able to see what it was he was doing, even simple things like designs on a shirt he'd been wearing for years but hadn't actually seen slowing him down.  Finally dressed, he stood up and looked for JungMin, smiling when he found his boyfriend.  His heart was racing from excitement and nerves.

Opening up the door, JungMin waved him closer. "Come on, you want me to knock on the door or do you want to do it yourself," he asked, smiling just as brightly. "You're going to have to adjust all over again to being in your own house aren't you."

"This is an adjustment I'll gladly go through," KyuJong grinned widely at him, having to wipe the tears out of his eyes again.  It was useless; he'd probably start crying again in five seconds.  "I can do it."

He stepped in front of JungMin and to the door he knew was YoungSaeng's from years of living together.  He looked back at his boyfriend, nearly losing himself in the redhead's expression before he turned back to the door.  His heart pounded wildly as he lifted one hand and knocked lightly.

Leaning up against the wall, JungMin just watched with a small smile. He was so happy that the first thing KyuJong got to see after all this time was a smiling face. Of course, he was happy that it was his own smiling face, but he wouldn't tell KyuJong that.

"Yes?" YoungSaeng's tired voice called through the door just before it opened. A sleepy looking YoungSaeng was rubbing at his eyes. "Oh, hey Kyu, everything okay?"

KyuJong's lips quivered, and he couldn't stop the way he laughed in joy, tears interfering with his vision before they fell down his cheeks instead.  "Saeng..."

He caught both of YoungSaeng's hands without needing to search for them, clasping them tightly against his chest.  "Saeng, I have such a handsome hyung," he grinned through his tears, eyes never leaving YoungSaeng's face.

YoungSaeng blinked a few times at KyuJong, the confusion all over his face. "....Huh?" he managed to get out, looking down at their hands and then up at KyuJong's eyes. When realization hit, his eyes nearly disappeared in the wide smile. "Oh...Kyu," he said softly, pulling KyuJong into a tight hug.

KyuJong's arms wrapped around the older man, burying his face in YoungSaeng's shoulder as he cried.  "It's's finally happened..."

RyeoWook climbed out of bed, padding to the door in confusion and not entirely awake.  "What's going on?"

Too overwhelmed with emotions to respond, YoungSaeng just held onto KyuJong tighter, not bothering to stop the tears rolling down his own cheeks. JungMin motioned RyeoWook over to him, putting his arm around his former partner. "I think cooking lessons with Kyu are going to get a lot easier," he said, grinning widely. "Now that he can see what he's doing."

Blinking repeatedly, RyeoWook's eyes widened as he looked from JungMin to KyuJong in surprise.  "He...he can see?"  A wide smile curled the younger man's lips, so happy for KyuJong.  "That's fantastic news!"

Eyes opening, KyuJong tilted his head a little to see the tiny man standing next to JungMin, smiling widely in return.  "Hi RyeoWook," he whispered, laughing as he straightened to look at YoungSaeng properly again, cupping his brother's face.  "I missed your smile, hyung..."

Putting his hand over KyuJong's, YoungSaeng leaned into the touch and just smiled at him. "I... I don't even know what to say right now Kyu," he admitted. "I'm just so overwhelmed. We'll have to call everyone over to celebrate tonight."

"Looks like you won't have to," JungMin mused, glancing down the stairs when he heard the front door opening, seeing HyunJoong and Daniel. "You should go say hi Kyu."

Perking up when he heard the door open as well, KyuJong grinned widely.  "I should."  He wrapped his arms around YoungSaeng again, hugging him tightly.  Then he separated himself from the older man to go to the stairs, practically running down.

"Careful not to trip," RyeoWook fussed, scurrying to the top of the stairs to watch as KyuJong reached the bottom of the stairs and tackled HyunJoong in a hug.

HyunJoong yelped when he was bowled over, barely having time to register that it was KyuJong running at him full tilt. "Woah, Kyu, hi," he said, pulling back a little to look at the younger man. "Did you just... you ran down the stairs right at me," he blinked, looking into KyuJong's eyes. "Oh! Oh my god! Kyu!" he said, lifting KyuJong up around the waist and twirling him around.

Yelping as he was picked up and spun around, KyuJong laughed loudly, holding on for dear life.  "Hyun! Put me down!"  When he was finally set back down on his feet, he hugged HyunJoong tightly, silly grin not leaving his lips as he peeked over HyunJoong's shoulder at Daniel.  "Hi."

"Hey there," Daniel smiled at him, eyes crinkled with joy.

"Thank you hyung, thank you," KyuJong whispered, pulling back to look at HyunJoong with bright eyes damp with tears.

"You're welcome Kyu,"HyunJoong replied, touching their foreheads together and giving him another hug. "I'm so glad it worked."

"I am too," KyuJong whispered, unwilling to close his eyes even as he hugged HyunJoong back tightly.

"How's your vision?" Daniel asked, slipping off his shoes, and smiling widely.

"It's blurry, and looking outside hurts, but the doctor said that would happen for a while anyways, right?" KyuJong looked up at HyunJoong.

"Yes he did, and speaking of, I want you to call him and let him know," HyunJoong said, patting KyuJong's cheek lightly. "I don't think you're at the end of doctor visits Kyu."

"Hey, at least he'll be happy about this one," JungMin said, having come down the stairs and leaning up against the rail. "Why don't we get some breakfast and showers, then maybe we can watch a movie or something."

"I think that's a good idea," Daniel chuckled at how KyuJong perked up.  He wasn't sure which the younger man was looking forward to most, though it was probably everything at this point.  "Go shower, you can call the doctor after breakfast," he smiled.

KyuJong hugged HyunJoong tightly again before turning and going back up the stairs, trying to both look at everything at once and not trip onto his face.

"What should we make for breakfast?" RyeoWook beamed at YoungSaeng, all ready to make special meals the whole day in celebration.

"Hmm... not sure, Kyu likes just about anything you put in front of him," YoungSaeng said, heading towards the kitchen.

"Wait for me Kyu," JungMin took the stairs two at a time to try and catch up with his boyfriend. Keeping up with him was going to be fun the next couple of days.

Making it into their bedroom before JungMin, KyuJong just took in the room for a long moment, looking at everything from the messy bed to the bookshelf.  Looking at the window was still painful, sadly, but he was too excited to let not being able to see outside yet dampen his spirits.

Hearing JungMin come in behind him, he turned around and smiled widely at the younger man, cupping his face gently.  "You're so handsome, Min."

"And so are you," JungMin smiled, putting an arm around KyuJong's waist. "You haven't even looked at yourself in the mirror yet."

"There's just too much to look at, and I'm enjoying looking at you at the moment," KyuJong grinned at him, running his fingers through JungMin's soft hair.  "Red really does suit you."

"I'm glad you think so too," JungMin chuckled, leaning down to kiss him lightly. "Come on, shower right? I'll have to make sure I don't stare at your ass the whole time now that you can see what I'm looking at."

"Hate to tell you, I knew when you were staring anyways, you're so transparent," KyuJong chuckled, returning the kiss happily.  "Though now it's my turn to stare."  He took JungMin's hands, heading towards the bathroom.

"I'm not complaining one bit," JungMin grinned, following KyuJong into the bathroom.

pairing: hyunjoong/other, rp, fandom: super junior, pairing: jungmin/kyujong, fandom: ukiss, fandom: ss501, fandom: epik high, fic: never, rating: r, pairing: hyungjun/jongwoon, pairing: youngsaeng/other

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