Never Online ch. 44

Nov 03, 2011 13:57

Title: Never Online
Chapter: 44/50
Pairing: JungMin/KyuJong, HyunJoong/Tablo
Rating: R overall
Warning: AU, violence, angst, CHARACTER DEATH
Summary: As part of the security detail for the online game known as Never, two officers encounter a group of elite hackers that seem intent on destroying the game, and it's their job to stop them.
A/N: RP with yeonah. Crossover with Super Junior, U-Kiss and Epik High

RyeoWook was quietly trying to pack up in his and YoungSaeng's room without disturbing the man asleep on the bed, who thankfully seemed to be dead to the world.  Diligently counting out enough pairs of the different types of clothes, he stacked them inside a rolling suitcase, making sure to pack things to keep warm as well.  JungMin had said something about being out in the woods.

Looking up when he heard the door push open a little, he held one finger to his lips and stood up, stepping quietly out of the room to join HyunJoong in the hall, closing the door behind him.  "How much time do we have?"

"About two hours," HyunJoong said quietly. "Kyu, Daniel, SungHyun and myself are going to log in to deliver the information, Kyu just got finished with putting it all together. Twenty minutes, tops, we'll be in and out unless there's a problem. Have YoungSaeng up in an hour or so, then we'll get the van loaded up. Even if they don't have our address quite yet, I just want to be sure no one sees us packing up until the last minute, okay?"

"Got it," RyeoWook nodded.  "We'll make sure whatever you and Daniel have here is packed up too.  Where are we going to go, should we pack anything in particular?"

"We're going into the mountains and be completely cut off from technology for a while," HyunJoong said with a sigh. "So, batteries, plenty of them."

Eyes widening, RyeoWook nodded.  "Okay then...camping supplies too," he winced, hoping they had what they needed since he doubted they were going to be making many unnecessary trips into town.  "We'll take care of that up here hyung, good luck."

"Thanks, we'll need it, all of us," HyunJoong gave the younger man a tight smile before heading back down to the basement. "How we doing?" he asked as he sat back down and plugged in again.

"Ready over here," KyuJong tilted his head towards the older man.  "When are we meeting everyone?"

"Soon, right?" SungHyun asked, typing away.  "Got a bunch of my friends to tag along too."

"Good, HeeChul is going to meet us there with the others, and... some others it looks like as well," HyunJoong said, going through the messages he had received while away.

"Good, the more the better," Daniel nodded, leaning back in his seat.  "Ready whenever you are."

"Did you want to come take a look at this before we go, Hyun?" KyuJong asked quietly.  SungHyun immediately perked up and wandered over curiously even if he hadn't been the one KyuJong was talking to.

"Might as well," HyunJoong unplugged and got to his feet, stepping over to KyuJong's side and leaning down to look. "What have we got."

KyuJong enlarged the blueprints on his screen, scrolling down slowly so HyunJoong would have time to look at each.  "Blueprints for a country's worth of storehouses.  Chemical mixtures to keep a person sedated and loaded into Never for indefinite amounts of time.  Names and signatures.  Old beta results that were removed from the final reports, about a growing addiction the beta players experienced. Plans for expansion."

"Woah..."  SungHyun squinted at the signatures they were going by.  "How could all these have been hidden in the system?  Why wouldn't they have removed it?"

"My guess is someone came before us, and saved copies of everything, making it such a part of Never's structure they couldn't remove it," KyuJong said quietly.  "That person is probably long dead."

"Whoever they were, they've done a great service to us all," HyunJoong murmured. "Good work Kyu, make sure that's backed up," he said, patting KyuJong's shoulder as he returned to his seat. "Let's get loaded, we don't have much time."

"Backed up several times over," KyuJong nodded, leaning back in his seat and closing his eyes.  "Redirecting us to the right location, KiBum's meeting us there."

"See you all there," Daniel said as SungHyun went back to his seat as well, plugging in.

When HyunJoong opened his eyes, they were standing in the clearing overlooking the city. "Looks like it's just us for the moment," he said, pulling out his datapad.

"And me," KiBum piped up, appearing next to SungHyun. "We ready to do this? I'm so excited and nervous at the same time."

"I think we all share that sentiment," KyuJong chuckled softly, lips curling as SungHyun jumped at the sudden appearance.  "You know that we're going to have to leave town right after this," he said quietly, looking at KiBum sadly.

This would likely be the last time they saw KiBum.

"Yeah, I'll do what I can on my end until the very end," KiBum said with a smile. "You know I don't regret this right? You don't have to feel sorry for me, honest. I'm proud of what we're doing."

"Still, we're going to miss you KiBum, and we wish we could have helped," HyunJoong said, his lips quirking sadly.

"You're family KiBum, we're never going to forget you," KyuJong whispered, eyes watery again as he stepped closer and pulled KiBum into a tight hug, burying his face in the younger man's shoulder.

Daniel pulled the other two back a bit to give KyuJong a moment with KiBum, shaking his head sadly.  "I never did understand why he decided to make KiBum as real as us," he whispered to HyunJoong quietly, watching KyuJong murmur something softly into KiBum's ear.

"Me either... or why he gave the program an avatar at all," HyunJoong said, crossing his arms. "But I think it worked out for the best, KiBum is a good friend."

"He is," Daniel nodded, wrapping one arm loosely around HyunJoong's waist.

After a moment KyuJong pulled back from KiBum, smiling at the program with tears staining his cheeks.  "Thank you for everything KiBum, none of this would be possible without all your help."

"No crying," KiBum pouted, wiping away the tears. "I'm sure you guys would have done as well without me, and probably got it done quicker if you hadn't have made me the way I am."

"Yeah, but what fun would you be if you were a boring interface," HyunJoong chuckled.

"I would have been doing you a strong injustice," KyuJong shook his head, smiling shakily at KiBum as he cupped the younger man's face lightly.

He looked about to say something else, but four people popped into existence around them at the same time, and there was a loud yelp as a fifth appeared in the same space SungHyun was occupying, making both of them fall over.

"Hae, don't kill anyone," sighed KuiXian as he hauled the older hacker to his feet.

"Well?" HeeChul looked at HyunJoong with a raised eyebrow. "You acted like the world was ending in your message."

"It's important, and the world isn't ending, not entirely," HyunJoong said. "But we're waiting for others to show up, so just wait."

"Oh hi KiBum, we haven't seen you in ages," MiMi beamed, grabbing the program into a tight hug, KiBum squeaking and flailing a little.

"Are your friends on their way Kevin?" HyunJoong asked, looking at the teenager with a small smile.

"Yes, they should be here soon," SungHyun winced from where he was still sprawled out on the ground.  One of the others helped him to his feet while KuiXian snagged MiMi by the back of his collar and dragged him away from KiBum, muttering about hyungs who acted like 5-year-olds.

A few others appeared around them, Daniel nodded to them and introducing the two who approached him to the others as Mithra and Tukutz.  KyuJong watched the clearing slowly fill with more people, looking at the time then at HyunJoong.

"Okay, I don't know who else is showing up but it doesn't matter at this point," HyunJoong said, taking a deep breath. "You know we don't usually share information or what we're doing, but this is something that affects us all. For the last three years we've been working to take down NVR."

There was a startled murmuring through the crowd, people glancing at each other and even HeeChul had an expression other than a scowl.

"You mean... take down the largest company on the planet," the one who had introduced himself as Hero said. "Kill the game."

"Yes," HyunJoong nodded. "Cue, if you would please?"

KyuJong drew in a deep breath, stepping forward.  "I think it'll be easier to explain once you've seen what we've spent the last three years searching for.  I'm sending each of you a large file, please open it."  He tapped 'send' on his datapad, and instantly a few dings went off around them as the file was received.

He waited until they were looking at their screens before continuing.  "About seven years ago we found out there was a conspiracy by the heads of NVR to expand their company to the point of building an empire.  What we finally decoded today is the proof of that.  They want to draw everyone into their store houses, keep them in the game permanently.  I'm sure I don't need to explain to any of you how that is already happening, even as we speak.  The number of store houses is doubling every year, and they're giving the game implants at birth.  None of us want to shut down NVR, it's what we make a living working in, but this has gone much too far to stop any other way."

"How is this not out already?" KuiXian frowned, gaze intent on his screen.  "If what you're saying is true, they would have never been able to cover up such a scheme."

"They have, by killing off those who found out about it," KyuJong said calmly.  "That is why we called you all here.  Coming from one source, this would be too easy for them to stop.  They can't stop this information from being would be disastrous if this was allowed to continue."

"So... we're taking down Never," HeeChul said quietly, his lips pursed. "Alright, I'm in," he nodded, glancing to the others in his group. "Anyone that doesn't want to be a part of this can log off right now."

There were a few murmurs as they all looked around at each other. Hero shook his head, "No, we're with you. I had a feeling there was something fishy going on, but I didn't look into it too closely."

"It's probably a good thing you didn't, a lot of people have died because of this," HyunJoong said. "Basically what needs to be done is spread this information to however many people you can. KiBum's going to attack the messaging servers in a couple of countries to get it out there abroad. We don't have much time, they know where we are, so we have to do this and run. Thank you, all of you, for helping with this."

"Hey, we owed you several favors, guess we're even now?" DongHae grinned at KyuJong, the other man smiling in thanks.

"We'll go take care of the America servers," Tukutz nodded to Daniel.  "And pass this along to whoever we know.  If they're really coming after those people who know about it, guess we're going to have to make ourselves scarce too."

"Hide our tracks, right?" Max asked from behind Hero.  "We can do that.  Leave it to us and it'll be viral in 60 seconds."

"Let's get this show on the road then," Daniel nodded, lips quirked.  "Good luck."

"Good luck all of you, and I doubt we'll see each other again, so it was a pleasure knowing all of you," HyunJoong said, bowing a little politely. They started disappearing one by one until it was just the five left, HyunJoong turned to the others and took a deep breath. "Alright, time to end this. Cue, we'll start here, we've got... half hour left at most before we need to go."

"Right," KyuJong nodded, looking at the others.  "Let's just get out what we can and leave, we need to be out of town."  He tapped at his datapad, setting up as many messages and hacks.

"I'll take the casino districts," SungHyun chirped.  "Lots of people there right now."

Nodding, KyuJong glanced at KiBum beside him.  "On your mark, KiBum."

"Good luck," KiBum smiled, saluting before he disappeared. HyunJoong sighed, closing his eyes briefly before he nodded.

"Time to finish this," he said, plugging coordinates into his datapad. "Keep in contact everyone, first sign of trouble, log off."

"Yes sir!"  SungHyun was gone with a 'good luck' and a wave.  Daniel nodded to them as well before disappearing.

"See you back above," KyuJong smiled at HyunJoong before disappearing as well.  He'd dropped himself in the middle of festival district, standing off to the side and watching party-goers walking by.  Then he turned his attention to the large advertising screens floating above the streets.

HyunJoong's first stop was where it had all started for him in the game. One of the first things he had done when logging in as a teen was go to the sex houses. Smirking a little to himself, he leaned up against a wall and started to tap away at his datapad. There were over a thousand people in these buildings at any given time, and the only thing they paid attention to more than their company was the giant screens inside the rooms.

He hopped around the city, shooting off messages as he went. It wasn't long before he noticed people stopping and looking at either their datapads or the floating billboards. People were whispering, screaming, and better yet, disappearing.

Then there was security, everywhere, cornering people and questioning them. HyunJoong looked down at his datapad and blinked at the message he had just received from KiBum, "Get out!" in bold letters. HyunJoong didn't hesitate and logged out.

The second KyuJong saw the message from KiBum, his heart leapt into his throat and he exited without question.  The last thing he saw was security fighting with a few of people before everything went dark again, and he heard the whirring of the monitors around them.

"Is everyone out?" he asked loudly, before the monitors shut off around them, the router blowing.

"No," HyunJoong said quietly, getting up slowly from his chair. "Daniel..." he said quietly, glancing at his boyfriend with worried eyes as he stepped over to where SungHyun was, the teens eyes closed.

"No?  What do you mean no?"  KyuJong stood up quickly.

Following HyunJoong's gaze, Daniel's eyes widened a little and he stood, going to SungHyun's other side.  "...hey, kid," he touched the teenager's shoulder lightly.  There was zero response, SungHyun's monitor dead and smoking a little in front of him.

"Daniel, go bring the van around, and tell JungMin to come downstairs," HyunJoong said, crouching down next to SungHyun's body. "SungHyun didn't make it out Kyu."

"D-Didn't..."  KyuJong made his way over to them, Daniel brushing SungHyun's hair out of his eyes before turning and going up the stairs.  The blind man's fingers brushed against SungHyun's arm, tears spilling from his eyes when he realized HyunJoong was right.  "Did he dead?"

Instinctively checking for a pulse, KyuJong swallowed thickly when he realized there was still one.  "He's still alive Hyun, maybe he can...maybe..."  But he knew it was a false hope, voice wavering as he choked back a sob.

SungHyun's body was alive, but his mind was missing.

"We'll take him to the clinic, that's the best we can do for him right now," HyunJoong said blinking back his own tears and squaring his jaw. "There's always the possibility that he got out and just got knocked out from the feedback."

"Kyu?" JungMin stepped into the room, looking with wide eyes at SungHyun. "Daniel said... is he... oh my god," JungMin covered his mouth with his hand.

"JungMin, can you take Kyu upstairs and keep everyone else out?" HyunJoong said quietly, straightening up and taking KyuJong lightly by the shoulders. "Come on, we have to get ready to go," he murmured.

Crying, KyuJong wrapped his arms loosely around SungHyun and rested his forehead against the teenager's, shoulders shaking.  Though SungHyun hadn't been with them for long, they'd known him for three years as their little shadow.

"Van's ready," Daniel was standing at the top of the stairs a moment later.  KyuJong had to be eased back away from the teenager's body, standing there with both hands over his face and shaking.

JungMin folded KyuJong up into his arms, just holding on to him as he watched HyunJoong unplug SungHyun and lift him up, carrying him up the stairs. When he heard the door open and close, he pulled back a little to look down at KyuJong, kissing his forehead. "We need to get ready to go," he whispered, voice watery.

KyuJong's lower lip trembled, whatever resolve he had seeming to wash down the drain.  "We should have never brought him here, Min," he whispered.  "He was only nineteen..."  His voice choked up again, burying his face against JungMin's shoulder.  "Why did we have to lose someone else, when we were so close?"

"It was an accident," JungMin soothed, trying to calm his boyfriend down even though he felt like crying himself. "We all knew the risks, even him. Maybe it's like what Hyun said, he just got knocked out. Who knows, he'll be fine when we get back, let's hope for the best okay?"

Sniffling, KyuJong nodded stiffly even though the tears didn't stop, fingers clutching at JungMin's shirt.  "He has to be okay," he whispered.

Even so, it was another long minute of sobbing against JungMin's shirt before he could pull himself together enough to remember they needed to move, and fast.  "How are...where are we in packing?" he drew in a shaky breath.

"Just about done, I'm sorry, I had to pack for you," JungMin said, wiping away the tears on KyuJong's cheeks. "Was there anything special you needed? I just got you the basics."

"I can make do," KyuJong shook his head, sniffling and trying to think clearly.  "Though my cane might be nice."  He wasn't going to have any clue where he was, so he'd be walking around with a cane for the next little while.  Better that than trip over things he didn't know was there.

"Yeah, we can get that for you before we go," JungMin nodded, putting his arm around KyuJong's shoulder and slowly leading him to the stairs. "I guess we're just waiting for HyunJoong and Daniel to get back before we leave, everyone else is up, but I don't think they know about SungHyun yet."

"We're going to have to tell them," KyuJong whispered, voice cracking.  He shuffled along beside JungMin, head down.  He didn't know how he was going to explain what had happened.

"Yeah, we will," JungMin nodded, starting up the stairs. There were bags already piled up in front of the door, YoungSaeng was coming down from the second floor with another bag in his hand.

"Did HyunJoong and Daniel leave?" he asked, eyes narrowing when he saw KyuJong. "What's wrong, what happened?"

YoungSaeng's question just caused the tears to start all over again, KyuJong's lips pressed tightly together to stop them from trembling as he leaned against JungMin.

"We need to say something, to everyone," he whispered when he could talk properly.  "Where are they?"

"Upstairs, I'll get them," YoungSaeng said, the worry settling in his eyes. "We'll meet you in the living room."

JungMin nodded, holding onto KyuJong tightly and led him towards the living room to sit down. "I'll tell them if you want me to," he whispered, kissing his boyfriend's cheek. "I'm not entirely sure what happened, but I can guess."

Sitting down next to JungMin, KyuJong leaned against the younger man, closing his eyes tightly.  "I can try to say it," he whispered back, shivering.

The others were coming down the stairs a second later, RyeoWook's eyes widening when he saw them.  "What happened?" he asked quietly, followed into the room by JongWoon and HyungJoon, the older man walking with one hand against his head.

"There was an accident," JungMin spoke first, looking at the others, YoungSaeng had sat down with RyeoWook next to him. "HyunJoong and Daniel just took SungHyun to the hospital and when they get back, we'll be leaving immediately."

"The hospital?" YoungSaeng frowned. "Is he okay? What happened Kyu?"

KyuJong swallowed thickly, holding onto JungMin's hand tightly.  "We went in-game to pass out the information to the other hackers, the four of us...and it was going good.  Everyone was paying attention to the messages that were going out, people were logging off, and asking questions...then, I-I think KiBum caught NVR trying to sever our connection, because he sent us all messages to get out."

His lower lip trembled as he turned his head against JungMin's shoulder.  "SungHyun didn't make it out," he whispered.

JungMin watched the expressions of the others ranging from shock to disbelief. YoungSaeng's arm had gone around RyeoWook's shoulder and he looked away. "He's.. still alive, at least he has a pulse," JungMin said, his voice cracking. "But we don't know if he... if he..." he couldn't finish the sentence, voice wavering far too much.

"Does this mean they know where we are?" HyungJoon asked, his big eyes even wider at the information, holding JongWoon's hand tightly.

"Probably," JungMin glanced down at KyuJong. "Soon as they get back, we're going to have to run."

"Maybe we should just load up the car and tell them to meet us somewhere," YoungSaeng suggested. "I don't like having to sit here and wait, what if they get caught?"

"They can't be caught, they know to be careful," KyuJong whispered, unable to stand the thought of losing more people, shoulders shaking.

"Let's start loading up the car then," RyeoWook said, standing.  Tears slipped down his cheeks as he pulled on YoungSaeng's hand lightly.  "That way at the very least we're ready for when they come back."  JongWoon stood up as well, still in shock.

"You go help them Min, I'll stay with Kyu," YoungSaeng said, he still wasn't feeling a hundred percent yet. Giving a quick kiss to RyeoWook, he sat down in JungMin's vacated seat and pulled his best friend into his arms.

JungMin watched them, biting on his lip to keep from crying. The two of them had been through more loss than he or any of the others could imagine, and now losing someone else when they were at the end must be hard to cope. He followed HyungJoon and JongWoon out of the room to help load up the other car.

RyeoWook watched KyuJong burrow himself against YoungSaeng, crying quietly, before wiping at his own tears and following the others out.

"Haven't enough people been lost?" KyuJong whispered against YoungSaeng's shirt, voice cracking.

"Far too many as far as I'm concerned," YoungSaeng replied, smoothing a hand over KyuJong's hair. "SungHyun is a good kid, he doesn't deserve this. No one deserves to die like this, and hopefully this will be the last."

Shutting his eyes tightly, KyuJong nodded.  "It will be the last," he whispered, remembering the chaos Never had turned into just before they logged out.  "They're trapped now, everyone knows."  He drew in a shaky breath, tilting his head up a little and touching YoungSaeng's cheek lightly.  "How's your head?"

"Better, but I still get woozy when I stand up too fast," YoungSaeng said, covering KyuJong's hand with his own. "You did it Kyu, you brought them down to their knees. SungHyun would want us to be happy about that."

"I wouldn't have been able to do it without all of you," KyuJong's voice cracked, hiding his face again.  He turned his hand around to twine his fingers between YoungSaeng's, holding on tightly.

"We didn't do much," YoungSaeng said softly, his free arm going around KyuJong's shoulders and holding him close. "I just want you to know how much I love you Kyu, and I'm so honored to know you and be your big brother."

"You did a lot more than you think."  YoungSaeng's words weren't helping KyuJong stop crying, grip around the older man's waist tightening a little.  "I love you too Saeng, I don't know what I would do without you, I'd be completely lost and alone.  Everything I have is thanks to you."

"And without you, I'd be alone too," YoungSaeng said, kissing KyuJong's forehead. "What am I going to do now that you have someone else to take care of you though?"

"Have your own life?"  KyuJong opened his eyes a little, running one hand along YoungSaeng's back.  "You deserve much more than to spend your entire life stopping me from running into walls.  I'll always need you Saeng, you're my hyung, but that doesn't have to stop you from being your own person."

YoungSaeng's lips quirked a little at that. "I'm not sure how to have my own life anymore, but as long as you're happy, then I am too," he said quietly. "We're gonna be fine Kyu," he said after a moment, hugging the other man tightly.

"We will be," KyuJong sniffed, hugging him back.  "I was so scared I was gonna lose you too, Saeng," he whispered.

"You're not going to lose me," YoungSaeng murmured, running his hand slowly up and KyuJong's back. "You're not going to lose any one else again. None of us are." He hoped that was a promise he could keep, but things were not always in his control, as much as he would like it to be.

JungMin poked his head into the living room, smiling softly at the two. "Hey, they're back, we've got the car loaded. It's time to go."

Drawing in a slow breath, KyuJong nodded and pulled back from YoungSaeng, wiping at his eyes.  "Let's get going then."  He took YoungSaeng's hand, standing up.

Getting to his feet as well, YoungSaeng smiled softly at JungMin, taking the man's hand and putting KyuJong's hand into JungMin's. "I expect you to take extra good care of him," YoungSaeng said to JungMin, scowling at him. "Or I will hunt you down and beat you up."

JungMin blinked a little, confused by what was going on, but he nodded. "Of course... of course I would take care of him."

"Good," YoungSaeng smiled, patting KyuJong's shoulder as he walked away to go find RyeoWook.

Smile widening a little, KyuJong squeezed JungMin's hand.  "Let's go," he sighed softly, heading towards the door and running his free hand lightly along the walls of the house he'd lived in his entire life.  There was no telling when they'd come back.

RyeoWook was standing by the stairs going over everything on the list and making sure they hadn't forgotten anything.  He looked up when YoungSaeng appeared.  " everything okay?" he asked quietly, eyes worried.

"Not really," YoungSaeng smiled sadly, putting his arm around RyeoWook's shoulder and leading him towards the door. "We'll get through it though. We better get going."

HyunJoong was walking back in the door, giving them all a tense smile. "Are we ready?"

"Yeah, all set to go," RyeoWook nodded, slipping on his shoes and stepping outside.  "The hospital didn't ask any questions?"

"No, we took him to the same place we did Mir and G.O," Daniel said quietly.  "They'll look after him."  He watched them step out of the house, KyuJong holding JungMin's hand and holding his cane in the other hand, sunglasses over his eyes.

pairing: hyunjoong/other, rp, fandom: super junior, fandom: ukiss, pairing: jungmin/kyujong, fandom: ss501, fandom: epik high, fic: never, pairing: hyungjun/jongwoon, pairing: youngsaeng/other

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