Never Online ch. 41

Nov 01, 2011 22:38

Title: Never Online
Chapter: 41/50
Pairing: JungMin/KyuJong, HyunJoong/Tablo
Rating: R overall
Warning: AU, violence, angst
Summary: As part of the security detail for the online game known as Never, two officers encounter a group of elite hackers that seem intent on destroying the game, and it's their job to stop them.
A/N: RP with yeonah. Crossover with Super Junior, U-Kiss and Epik High

"Let's dance!" Back out in the main dance hall, HyungJoon was tugging on JongWoon's arm to get him to the dance floor.

"But I can't dance!" JongWoon whined, stumbling a little as he was dragged.  He wasn't resisting as much as he could.  "I'm gonna trip on your feet and kill myself."

"You are not, and you can't die in game," HyungJoon said, pulling him to the middle of the floor. "You'll be fine, just do what I do and watch the flailing arms."

"I'll be the first person to manage dying in game," JongWoon sulked, watching HyungJoon with a pout.  "Since when do you know how to dance?"

"Never said I did," HyungJoon grinned, taking both of JongWoon's hands and bouncing rather spastically around. It was a fast beat song, and there were more people on the floor than before so it didn't look so odd that he looked like a robot having a fit in the middle of the dance floor.

Yelping as he was nearly pitched forward onto his face, JongWoon laughed loudly as he was dragged from side to side by the younger man's movements. "Joon!  You're going to get us both killed!"

"Then I guess you should keep up!" HyungJoon said over the music, spinning them around and nearly crashing into a couple of people next to them.

Another yelp escaped from the older man as he was almost sent barreling into the same people a second later, before he regained his balance enough to join in on the spazzy dancing, laughing the entire time.  Who cared if they looked like idiots?

"See, who cares if we can dance?" HyungJoon said as he laughed, letting go of JongWoon's hands to do some fist pumps and flail his arms around. He was having fun, that was what was important to him, plus he was with JongWoon. If he really tried though, he could dance pretty well, but he didn't want JongWoon to feel out of place by not being able to dance, so he would act like a crazy person for him.

They continued to flail around until that song and the one after it ended, JongWoon grinning widely by the time a slower song finally came on.  "Well that's one way to work out," he laughed, draping himself over HyungJoon's shoulder.

"And fun!" HyungJoon grinned, putting an arm around his waist. "Want to take a break then? I think I saw KiBum come in finally."

"Cool!  We should go find him, he was probably too embarrassed by his older brother's flailing to come over," JongWoon chuckled, looking around.  "I think we lost some of the others."

"Why doesn't that surprise me," HyungJoon snorted, glancing around. HyunJoong and Daniel had sat back down at the table, but KyuJong and JungMin had disappeared a while ago. "Huh, didn't expect Otter and Lixu to disappear, he said as he pulled JongWoon back to the table.

"Well neither of them are really club-type people, they probably went to get some fresh air," JongWoon replied, looking around before they reached the table.  "Hey, did you guys see KiBum?"

"Didn't see him come in, is he here?" Daniel blinked at them.

"I thought I saw him come in a few minutes ago," HyungJoon said, plopping down in the booth. "So it's just us then? Everyone else abandoned us?"

"Looks like it," HyunJoong said, sipping at his drink. "I came here to dance, we can do that other stuff at home."

"You mean dance and make out," HyungJoon corrected, yelping when a straw was shot at him.

"Hey, don't shoot things at him, everyone saw you two," JongWoon pouted at HyunJoong, wrapping his arms securely around HyungJoon's waist.

"Everyone saw you both too, what kind of dancing was that," Daniel snorted in amusement.

"The kind where we're having fun," JongWoon turned his pout to the older man.

"Right, the kind where we didn't care what people thought," HyungJoon said, putting his arm around JongWoon's shoulder. "We were having lots of fun."

"So were we," HyunJoong shrugged. "And I think the others are having fun too," he said with a grin.

"Ew, can we not think about that?" HyungJoon shuddered. "Where'd Kevin get to?"

"No idea, he ditched us right at the beginning," Daniel chuckled.  "He'll be back later.  He's a teenager, he has the attention span of a goldfish."

HyungJoon cracked up at that. "He really does, he kind of just flits in and out, and he's also way too quiet."

"Yes, it's a nice change of pace," HyunJoong observed. "Some people are far too loud."

"Hey, being loud isn't a bad thing," JongWoon huffed.  "And we do know how to be quiet too."

"Just because you were 'quiet' earlier today doesn't mean everyone didn't know what you were doing upstairs," Daniel quirked an eyebrow at them.  "'Talking', was it?"  JongWoon turned bright red.

"Yes, when Otter called us down for dinner, we were talking," HyungJoon argued, scowling at Daniel and HyunJoong.

"Notice he didn't say anything about before that," HyunJoong remarked to Daniel.

"What we were doing is none of your business," JongWoon sulked, holding onto HyungJoon's waist.

"Relax, we're just teasing you," Daniel chuckled.  "It's about time you two finally got together."

"Yeah, you two have been giving each other the cow eyes for years, but I think you were pretty oblivious to anything Joon," HyunJoong said with a smirk. HyungJoon just pouted, leaning into JongWoon. He didn't want to talk about this anymore.

"Maybe we should go find somewhere else to sit," JongWoon pursed his lips at HyungJoon, not wanting to listen to those two.

"Okay okay, we'll leave it alone," Daniel shook his head in amusement.  "Want to stick around for another hour or so before calling it a night?"

"Sounds good to me," HyunJoong nodded, looking out at the dance floor again. "Well look who it is," he chuckled, seeing KyuJong and JungMin making their way through the crowd. "Didn't think we'd see you two until it was time to go."

"What, miss all the fun of dancing?" JungMin grinned, sitting down at the edge of the booth, KyuJong in his lap.

"Sure, we stopped seeing you on the dance floor after the first two songs," Daniel chuckled.

KyuJong leaned back in JungMin's lap, smiling happily despite the teasing.  "Where's Otter and Lixu?" he asked, looking around and not seeing them.

"I think they disappeared after the first song," HyungJoon said.

"Really?" JungMin blinked at that with a small smile of surprise. "Well, good for the both of them then."

"We think KiBum is around somewhere, at least that's what Joon says," HyunJoong said. "You didn't see him, or Kevin did you?"

"No, though knowing how fond Kevin is of those avatar hacks, he could have been right in front of us and we wouldn't know the difference," KyuJong chuckled.  "We'll find them when we're ready to leave I guess.  Though I was hoping to spend some time with KiBum."

"Me too," HyungJoon nodded, eyes lowering."I'm really gonna miss him."

"We all will," HyunJoong said, glancing around at the others. "He's been more distant than usual lately... I just hope he isn't staying away for our benefit."

"Well he has been pretty busy, it's probably that he just hasn't had time to spend with us," JungMin said.

"We've all been busy, but it is quite possible he is staying away to make it easier on us."  KyuJong closed his eyes.  "I don't think he understands that, even if he stays away, it's still going to be hard to say goodbye," he whispered.  JongWoon looked down at his lap, holding onto one of HyungJoon's hands.

"Yeah... Cue, can you ping him and the other three, we're supposed to be spending this time together," HyunJoong said, his lips thin. "This could be our last night here, I want to sit and talk with everyone until we go."

Nodding, KyuJong pulled out his datapad and tapped at it lightly, sending out messages to YoungSaeng, KiBum, RyeoWook and Kevin.  "They should be here soon."

"Soon" was about ten minutes, YoungSaeng and RyeoWook showing up within minutes of the call, but it took longer for KiBum and Kevin to show up, all of them squishing into the booth that wasn't made to handle so much people. When the chatter died down, HyunJoong leaned forward a bit so everyone could hear him.

"Tonight is probably the last night we're going to get to spend like this," he said, eyeing each of them in turn as he spoke. "There's no telling what's going to happen after tomorrow, so I just wanted to thank each and every one of you for the sacrifices you've all made for this. I know it means a lot to Kyu, and we wouldn't be here if it wasn't for him. It means a lot to me as well, so thank you, all of you."

"Can't imagine not being part of this," JongWoon smiled widely, head resting on HyungJoon's shoulder.  He'd pulled the younger man into his lap so that they could all fit in the booth.

"To be honest, I'm still surprised we made it this far," Daniel chuckled.  "It wouldn't have been possible without everyone sitting at this table."

"Nope, and we would still be milling around aimlessly without your help KiBum," HyunJoong said, lifting his glass a little in salute to him. "You and Kyu made all of this a reality, and that we did get this far."

"Aw, shucks, I'm just a lowly two-bit," KiBum said, rolling his eyes. "Don't get all sentimental now. Appa is still the brains of this entire thing."

"You're more than just a two-bit, KiBum, don't give us that," KyuJong smiled, wrapping one arm around KiBum's shoulders.  "We'll never be able to thank you enough, for everything."

"No, no crying," KiBum pouted, but wrapped his arm around KyuJong in return. "This is supposed to be a fun time, dancing and having fun, no crying Appa."

"He's going to cry anyway, just let him," HyunJoong chuckled softly.

"You know, there's one thing I've never understood," YoungSaeng said, his head tilted to the side as he looked at HyunJoong. "Everyone here has a reason for doing this, everyone except you. You were so eager to help when Cue told you about what we were trying to do and I thought it was so odd."

"Me?" HyunJoong blinked, looking at YoungSaeng. "Well... I just wanted to help," he said, taking a sip of his drink and looking away.

"That is a good question," JongWoon blinked, peeking around HyungJoon's shoulder at the younger man.  "Why are you doing this, Leader?  Were you a hacker before like me and Kevin?"  KyuJong hugged KiBum tightly, settling beside the younger man and looking over at the others.

"In the simplest of terms... no," HyunJoong said, his lips pursed slightly. "I never had a reason to hack anything, like credits or avatars like you guys did," he shifted a little uncomfortably in his seat. "But I believed in the cause and wanted to help."

"But why?" YoungSaeng pressed. "It's one thing to help, but you pretty much funded this whole thing."

HyunJoong sighed, glancing at KyuJong before he spoke. "Because... my father was one of the original designers of the game."

KyuJong sat up straight at that, eyes wide.  "Your father works with NVR?"  His surprise was reflected around the table, Kevin nearly falling off his precarious perch on the end of the booth.

"Seriously?" JongWoon stared at him in shock.  "Why didn't you ever say anything?"  The only one who didn't look surprised or unsettled was Daniel, lodging beside HyunJoong with one arm around the younger man's waist.

"No, he doesn't work with NVR, not anymore," HyunJoong continued, putting his hands up to settle everyone down. "Let me explain. My father was one of the original owners and designers, but before the game went live after the initial beta test, his partners bought him out and kicked him out of the company. If my father had stayed in the company, none of this would have happened, I can guarantee that."

"How can you guarantee that?" YoungSaeng frowned a little. "That's quite a secret to have kept from us Leader."

"Would you have rather known the truth at the beginning? Would you have trusted me to do what needs to be done?" HyunJoong shrugged. "And I can guarantee it because I have talked with him about it, hypothetical of course about what was going on. He knew something was fishy when he was kicked out and had been trying to figure out what."

KyuJong watched HyunJoong's face, arms still loosely wrapped around KiBum's shoulders.  After a long moment of thought, he nodded slowly.  "You've never led us astray, and none of this would be possible without you," he said quietly.  "I'm not happy you kept this from us, but you had your reasons."

"What is it with people and keeping secrets," JongWoon pouted.  "You don't seem surprised Tablo."

"That would be because I did my homework," Daniel replied wryly.

"Should have known," HyunJoong shook his head, smirking at Daniel. "I don't think I give you enough credit sometimes."

"He does seem to be smarter than you," YoungSaeng remarked. "Though why he's with you I still don't understand."

"He thinks I'm cute," HyunJoong beamed.

"So now that we've got that out of the way," Daniel rolled his eyes, patting HyunJoong on the head.  "Does anyone else have any secrets to spill, or are we pretty-much done?"

"No more over here," RyeoWook said sheepishly, Kevin laughing quietly.

"I think we're done with secrets," HyunJoong said, glancing around. "KiBum? JungMin?"

"None," JungMin shook his head, pulling KyuJong closer to press a kiss to his temple. "I hope all our secrets are out, you didn't have anything to tell me did you?" he asked his boyfriend.

"Besides I love you?" KyuJong grinned cheekily at the younger man, laughing at the commotion that caused around the table as he settled against JungMin.

JungMin wrinkled his nose at that, pulling KyuJong in for a kiss, ignoring the jeers of the others around them. The rest of the night passed with the group barely realizing it. More drinks and laughter followed, everyone enjoying themselves before what they knew would be a tense and stressful day. It was probably the best night JungMin had had in a long time.

Eventually though, people were growing tired, and they all had to be up early in the morning. There were hugs all around for KiBum before they left for the night, and as JungMin followed KyuJong up the stairs to their room, he smiled a little to himself about how close they had all got. It was like a family, a very loud, dysfunctional family that he wouldn't trade for the world.

pairing: hyunjoong/other, rp, fandom: super junior, pairing: jungmin/kyujong, fandom: ukiss, fandom: ss501, fandom: epik high, fic: never, rating: r, pairing: hyungjun/jongwoon, pairing: youngsaeng/other

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