I need something happy right now.

Nov 22, 2008 18:00

Can someone do something to cheer me up, please? I really need it. :(



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Comments 13

trippypeas November 22 2008, 23:25:54 UTC
*hugs* whats the matter baby!? What happened?


saena17 November 22 2008, 23:53:50 UTC
I'm just overwhelmed by everything right now... A lot of people in my life are going through very serious problems, and I feel like I'm stretched to the limit trying to help them when there really isn't anything I can do. And with everyone already having such a hard time, there doesn't seem to be anyone who can support me through the stuff I'm dealing with. Which probably isn't true, because they all said they'd be there for me...but I don't want to add to their stress, you know? They've got more than enough already. So I just got freaked out by having three serious conversations in one day, and feeling like I have to be everything to everyone, with no end in sight to the problems we're facing.

Thank you for the hug. As usual, I am enjoying the feel of your arms around me through the internet. ;) I feel a little bit better now (I watched some Doctor Who to take my mind of it and it helped), but still not sure where to take it from here. At the moment, I'm kind of going one instant at a time. :(



trippypeas November 23 2008, 00:30:08 UTC
Oh honey..It's usual to get worked up about your loved ones but we have to remember that we have to take care of ourselves as well..Now I know you don't want to add to their worry but asking for a hug every once in a while is ok..and If you need someone to talk to and you don't want to worry your friends then you can call me. I will gladly give you my number. And remember that you can't take on a problem in all one lump. NO one can. You have to take it in pieces, in bites or else you'll choke. Just do what you can for now.

And then tonight when you go to bed.. maybe go to bed a little early and just lay there and listen to some music and then breathe..and imagine all the problems shrinking to tiny little easy to swallow pieces..Or pretend to be a starfish sunning yourself on the beach..

I'm here if you need me.


saena17 November 23 2008, 03:02:41 UTC
Thanks for the offer; I feel better now, but I will remember for the future. And LOL at your visualization hints... I am so going to imagine myself as a starfish sunning myself on the beach tonight. :) Thanks love!



oceanruins November 23 2008, 00:43:00 UTC

Neil Gaiman's Coraline movie is coming out soon?

A cat on a roomba?? http://www.neatorama.com/2008/11/18/a-roomba-riding-cat/

Hope you feel better.. nothing to add except that sometimes things suck and all you can do is try to get through things best as you can. :[


saena17 November 23 2008, 02:58:05 UTC
Ooh, Coraline! The trailer looks neat. I'll have to see that when it comes out. :) And the cat on the roomba...you know, in a couple generations, when it's perfectly normal for cats to do these sorts of things, we'll look back on the days when it was amazing and weird and think about how outdated we were. ;) Gotta love cats, though.

sometimes things suck and all you can do is try to get through things best as you can.

I tend to be very rational, so deep down I always know this. But sometimes it's hard to remember. :( Thanks for the cheering-up videos!



blankeygirl November 23 2008, 04:20:25 UTC
OOh man I know how you feel. That can be really, really hard! You are doing a great job though it sounds like being there for people when they need you. You are such a good friend.

When I feel stressed, I either:
a. Take a really nice, nature-filled walk
b. Read a good book I'm working on, even if I only have 10 minutes to do it in
c. Drink tea and allow myself time to just think.

Also after a stressful day, when I'm lying in bed, I like to imagine that I am relaxing my whole body in my head. I start with my toes and tell them to relax, then go to my ankles, etc. I imagine that they are in a really soft, comfortable place and I like to try to feel soft, relaxing energy going through them. Then continue on till I get to my head. Usually by then I'm asleep though :)

But please, and this is a serious offer, not just a nice thing to say: I would love to listen to you any time you need me. Please, please don't hesitate to call. Hope you feel better soon.


saena17 November 23 2008, 05:20:11 UTC
Thank you, Justine. I like to take walks too when I'm upset, but it's so cold out right now! So I just stayed in and drank tea instead. :)

Thanks again for your support. I'm feeling much better now, but when I see you next I'll get your number, just in case. (And you can have mine too, okay?)



fizzlefly November 23 2008, 11:34:20 UTC
*Does a little dance for you*
Oh! and *throws flowers at you*
Who can be sad when there are flowers?!?
*hugs* Hope things start looking up for you.


saena17 November 24 2008, 03:57:40 UTC
Aww, thanks! *smells flowers* Flowers make everything better! :)



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