*basks in the gorgeous outdoors*

Apr 19, 2008 18:01

OMG. It could not have been a more beautiful day for World Carnival. :) (For the uninitiated, this is the SMCM annual multicultural festival, aka A LOT OF FUN! But we always get rain or something unpleasant like that on World Carnival weekend, so this was the first year since I've been here that it's actually been nice.) STARS had a coloring activity at our table, and it was very popular, with lots of people coming by to color. We saved the ones that the artists didn't take, so now we have a mini STARS gallery of pictures. :) Also, the dance club and improv performed, and they both went very well. Plus I only got a little sunburned on the shoulders! Awesome.

As usual, though, I'm completely exhausted. I got up at 6:45 a.m. this morning to work the Open House that was also going on today, worked from 7:30-11, and then came back and took a 30-minute nap before I had to leave again to set up at World Carnival. I then proceeded to sit outside in the sun for five hours. So I'm a little run-down, but I do intend to get a couple hours' work in today- plus it's Sara's 22nd birthday party tonight, so I'll go dance with my friends for a little while later.

I fully intend, for the first time in a while, to just get up whenever tomorrow. I have a busy week coming up- lots of work to do, my final week of teaching placements for the semester (which actually makes me kind of sad), plus seeing the final Take One! Improv show and going to the Spring Formal on Friday, Celtic Festival on Saturday (I get to see Gen's little dancers perform- yay!), and the Jane Austen Society tea room trip on Sunday. If I can just work like crazy on school stuff during the week, the weekend will be absolutely phenomenal, a great celebration of the end of the last week of classes.



i love st. mary's, college friends, work, for the win, club stuff

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