Merry belated Christmas to all

Dec 26, 2007 15:39

Merry Christmas to everyone on my flist, even if the wishes are a day late! I wasn't really online the last two days, so I didn't have a chance to say it before now.

I had a really great holiday season. The only thing even remotely troublesome about the whole thing occurred just before my relatives showed up on Christmas Eve. I was making cheesecake for us to have for dessert the next day, and just as I was about to put it in the oven, we discovered that said oven was broken. It wouldn't preheat all the way, so my lovely dessert couldn't be cooked. Mom ended up going to church and using the oven there to bake it, and luckily the crabcakes we'd picked up for the family that was coming over could be microwaved as well as put in the oven. We're going to get someone to come in and look at it soon.

Christmas was wonderful. I got lots of fun gifts from my parents, including a book (Notes from a Small Island by Bill Bryson, which is about the eccentricities of England) which I'd heard about from my relatives at Thanksgiving but had forgotten to ask my parents for. Somehow they still remembered and got it for me! That was a big surprise. As we'd known about beforehand, our big gift this year was a digital camera (we've never had one before) which Florence and I will share custody of; we don't take enough pictures to merit one for each of us. Florence will take it to Italy with her this coming semester, I'll take it to England over the summer, and then we'll share it until, several years from now, we eventually go our separate ways. Other fun things I got include movies like "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" (one of my favorites) and "Stranger Than Fiction" (on that might later become one of my favorites). Florence got me a t-shirt with Charlie Brown characters on it and a little penguin decoration which we have named Featherton. He's sweet. :)

Now I'm looking forward to relaxing until New Year's! I'll post a general roundup of the year in a few days, when it gets closer. I'm already thinking ahead, though, and I have high hopes for 2008. It's gonna rock. ;) Happy holidays to you all!


holidays, family

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