I have a couple orders of business/points of interest to get out of the way in this lj entry...
First, a very very happy birthday wish to
redroseriot05, who I wed in lawful facebook marriage about a year and a half ago! Happy birthday, Gina. I hope it's a great one, and that New Student Days are going well down there in St. Mary's. (You better be corrupting those freshmen for me!)
Secondly, a rant: I got an email today that said that EDUC206, Child in America, has been cancelled for Fall 2007. WHAT?! See, I wouldn't be that upset about it except that I have my schedule very carefully planned out in terms of my MAT prerequisites. If I remember correctly, I need eight courses, and I took one last semester. Given the other courses I'm planning to take (particularly literature ones and my lone remaining gen-ed requirement), I would need to take one education course this fall and then two for each of the remaining semesters. This schedule works out perfectly. Unfortunately, with Child in America cancelled, the whole thing is thrown off. I looked at the course listings for fall, and they're barely offering any other education courses for the coming semester- mainly Educational Psychology (which will probably fill up rather quickly) and Language Acquisition, which I don't know if I need for secondary education. There may be others which are listed under another discipline besides Education. I hope so, because I really don't want to do a summer course, particularly with the plans I've already made for next summer.
OK, so aside from that, the rest of my life has been all right. I don't know if I mentioned it before, but the month of July has really been a good one. I've been working for a number of weeks now- as a cashier, not the deli position I was originally hired for (they over-hired for that job). I like cashiering more, so it's not a problem. I usually work about 5.5 hours a day, 5 days a week (with randomly chosen days off; for instance, this week I have Monday and Wednesday off). It's not bad at all. I've been trying to get stuff done around the house too, but I do everything so slowly that it's really piling up. I must add that all the time I've spent on livejournal this afternoon doesn't really help. :)
Today, since I don't have to be at work until 3:30, I got up "early" (meaning 9:30) to accompany Florence to her job and meet the kids she works with. I was only able to stay for about 15 minutes, but I met the 3 kids who were there for the day, and they all seemed pretty cool. It's nice to have a mental picture of the kids in her class, so when she talks about them I feel more connected. As for other exciting plans for the week, after we pick Florence up from work tomorrow my family and I are going to see the new "Harry Potter" and then having dinner at IHOP. It's going to be really fun. :) I'm also seeing Rockville Musical Theater perform "Oklahoma" on Friday. I'm excited about that too.
While the month as a whole has been going well, I feel like I'm dragging my feet more now than I was the first week or so. I'm more tired, and I'm not getting as much done, and that's a problem because there's so much to read and write and sort through. I don't necessarily have to do any of it, because it's summer and all of those things are voluntary (except going in to work), but they're things I generally want to do. The fact that they're not getting done is frustrating to me. So when I get off the computer in about five minutes, I plan to tackle one of those projects. Maybe I can turn this pattern around this week and hopefully end the month as well as I started it.
There was going to be a meme on this entry too, but I think I'll save that for another time. I hope all of you are accomplishing everything you wanted to this summer. Keep in touch. :)