Woah...massive scheduling MADNESS!

Apr 12, 2007 01:29

I just plotted out my schedule for the rest of the month, because I was replying to so many emails and facebook invites saying I'd do stuff that I needed to make a chart to be sure it all actually worked. So, for your viewing pleasure and possibly sympathy (although I don't know if the situation's quite that dire yet), is my life for the rest of April:

12- lunch in the Great Room with a friend of mine who's been in Australia the last semester
13- work from 10:00-10:45, 12:15-1:00, and 2:30-4:00; seeing "The Mandrake" for the 2nd time with Gen at 8:00; going straight from there to see if the Ceann (Irish rock band) is still playing at World Carnival; showing Gen the movie "Little Men", because she's never seen it but we both agree that we like "Little Men" better than "Little Women".
14- World Carnival all day. Awesomeness.
15- tech week for dance show, starting at 8:00.
16- tech week, starting 8:30.
17- tech week, starting 8:30.
18- tech week, starting as early as 6:30. Also National Day of Silence, but the dance commitment will mean that I can't go to the Breaking of the Silence. So I'll just be nonverbal all day and break it a teeny bit early, when I go to the dance rehearsal.
19- work at 3:00; opening night of dance show that evening.
20- dance show (call time 6:00)
21- Open House, so I'll probably be working all morning; dance show at 3:00 (call time will be earlier) and 8:00 (call time: 6:00).
22- clean up dance show from 12-4.
23- last STARS meeting of the semester.
24-26- nothing out of the ordinary scheduling
27- Spring Formal
28- English Department picnic off campus from 11:30-2:00; and I think STARS Ball is that night. (Am I right?)
29-30- nothing special, except no school on the 30 because of reading days

So yeah...if there's anything I'm forgetting, some big event that I promised you I'd go to but didn't add to this list, feel free to remind me and maybe, just maybe, I'll cram it in. :)


theatre, i love st. mary's, public service announcement, dance, college friends, club stuff

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