The good, the confusing, and the random

Feb 28, 2007 23:18

People who made my life happy today:

Jason, for sending me an email expressing his interest in Rocky Horror- and providing a link to a FULL SCRIPT of the show, INCLUDING CALL LINES! That's going to be immensely helpful. Apparently he and Suzanne were co-conspirators in putting on this show two years running, so that's why he was able to make that contribution. :)

Gina, for presenting me with a Program Planning form for RHPS! It was even at least half filled out, which means most of my work on that front is done. Joy!

Gen, for the word "logisticating". :)

People everywhere who write fanfiction.

Things I have to do tomorrow:

Talk to Paula Ropshaw about securing Cole Cinema for RHPS
Turn in remaining study abroad forms
Do my religions reading
Stop freaking out about next week

Things making next week stressful:
Monday= quiz in religions
Tuesday= paper due in education class
Wednesday= MIDTERM for religions, presentation right afterwards in lit class
Thursday= packing for home, because spring break starts the next day

Random health problems you probably don't want to hear about:

I think I did something funny to my left leg yesterday in dance, because it's been killing me all day. I'm not kidding when I say I think it's more sore than it was after my first dance class of the semester, when I was really out of practice and everything. I basically hobbled around campus all day, which was really bad since I was running all over the place and had to do a lot more walking than usual. I think I need to take it easy in dance tomorrow and then keep off the leg for a while. At least, as much as possible for someone who has a lot of errands to run.

Also, a few minutes ago I noticed an unusual splotchy red rash on the backs of my hands. I put some lotion on it, assuming it was weather-related. However, if I die of the plague in the next week or so, you know what to blame.

I think that's my life, in a nutshell!


health problems, dance, for the win, tmi, school, fandom, college friends, club stuff

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