new haircut!

Aug 25, 2012 19:24

I did something this past week that was kind of monumental for me: I got a haircut.

Well, no, getting a haircut wasn't monumental. I do get it cut now and again. ;) But this time I decided I wanted to drastically change my hairstyle in some way. I've worn it the same way- thick bangs, around shoulder-length or a couple inches longer, all one length- pretty much my entire life, and sometimes I can be pretty resistant to change. And a lot of people have insinuated, over the years, that my hairstyle is a defining part of me (or, in my younger years, that it differentiated me from my twin sister). That got ingrained into my mind, so that I felt like people would feel let down if I changed it. And, of course, I didn't know how I personally would feel about a new style.

But I felt like a change needed to be made. So I went to Westminster to visit the hair salon my sister uses, which she has raved about (and which has always given her really awesome-looking styles). My parameters for them were the following:

- nothing semi-permanent like a perm or hair dye. Straightening or using a curling iron is fine because that fades after a few days, but I don't want something (other than a cut, of course) that's going to last weeks or months if I don't like it.
- has to be professional-looking, because I work in the schools.
- doesn't look exactly like my sister's hairstyle. I love her and her hair, but there's a certain age at which you don't really want to match exactly anymore, you know?

This is what she came up with:

I was really satisfied with it! It was drastic enough to signify a change, but not so much that it was overwhelming. The bangs- which I'm going to try and grow out- are already resisting the new style; I'm probably going to have to start pinning them to the side, because they're creeping back to their original position after only a few days. :) For reference, here's a picture from winter 2009 that demonstrates the "before" of my hair:

So that's my new hair! I'll try and come back soon and do more actual posts. I really should be updating more often. :)

photo post, random, for the win

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