What is this lj you speak of?

Jul 07, 2012 23:00

So apparently I'm having an off year with lj? I didn't realize how rarely I was posting until just recently. I've probably not been commenting as much on other people's posts as usual, although I have been reading my friendslist sporadically. Mostly from February on I was working as a substitute teacher, which kept me plenty busy; now I'm still on ( Read more... )

reading and books

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saena17 July 16 2012, 23:17:57 UTC
I've been posting pretty sparingly, too---a lot of us have. Maybe we're all having an off year or we're just growing up/moving on?

I think we've all just gotten busier, most likely. Which is part of growing up. But although I'm not as active in any fandom as I was when I was in high school/college (I rarely write fanfic anymore and read it much less than I used to), I still don't feel I've grown out of it. I think passionate love for and engagement in being a fan of something will always be a big part of my life. :)

Good luck with your job interview!

Thanks! I should know one way or the other this week.

1. Favorite childhood book?

Depends what you define as "childhood." When I was in elementary school, I loved The Phantom Tollbooth and the Narnia books (oh, and A Little Princess). Then I got to middle school, and discovered a lot of the books that are still my favorites today- The Perks of Being a Wallflower and Little Men and the Westmark trilogy by Lloyd Alexander. And high school had its own favorites too.

20. What makes you love a book?

Often, an author's ability to choose turns of phrase and ways of describing things that are beautiful and original. A really well-written book (in terms of word choice and structure) can really make or break things for me. I love books that take you by surprise, sometimes in subtle ways and sometimes in ways that make you shout "OH MY GOD" and then run and tell whoever's nearby/everyone on the internet. Good symbolism will also do me in every time.

53. A book you didn’t expect to like but did?

Wow, um, let me think about that for a second. I wish I weren't writing this while I'm away from home, because then I could go look at my bookshelves and see what some of my options are. You know, I may have to get back to you on that.


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