Jan 17, 2012 11:46
I realized a couple of days ago that it's been a while since I've updated here in any substantial way. I have been reading my flist regularly, and commented most of the time, but never got around to writing my own entry. So here are a few bullet points to catch you up:
- My internship in New York is still going on (I'm on the bus back from my long weekend as we speak), and it will be until March 1. I'm actually hoping it ends a month early, though- not because I don't like it (on the contrary, I love it, it's so much fun) but because I'm starting to get callbacks from teaching jobs in Maryland. I have a screening interview with Human Resources on Friday afternoon, and I'm in the process of scheduling a job-specific interview with a middle school. I'd hate to break my agreement and leave the magazine internship early, but the internship is unpaid, and I need money rather badly at this point. Also I really want to be teaching again. So keep your fingers crossed that one of these comes through.
- My parents gave me all 3 seasons of Arrested Development for Christmas this year, even though I've never seen it. (I think they meant to give it to my sister, who loves the show, and got the labels mixed up- but they haven't admitted that and I'm not going to try and force it out of them.) I watched the pilot episode yesterday, and it is really funny. It's such a universally loved show that I felt bad saying I hadn't watched it until now. Once I get more time at home, I'll probably marathon-watch most of it, which will be fun.
- Since I got that on DVD, I took the show out of the running in my list of shows to rent on Netflix. (I keep the names of these shows on Post-It Notes in a box in my desk, and draw a new one at random when I finish whatever I'm currently watching. I'm near the end of Season 3 of The Wire right now.) Recently I've been trying to think of another show to add to the box. I'm considering Fringe because I like Lost so much, but I'm not sure whether to go for it or not. I might add The Big Bang Theory so I can catch up (I'm almost a full season behind). A friend on facebook suggested I add American Horror Story, but that's only just come out on TV, so it'll be a while before it is released on DVD. Plus it's horror, and that's not really my thing. Suggestions are always welcome, since I know you guys are my TV experts here.
- Speaking of horror, I recently had the opportunity to see the first 15 minutes of the movie Zombieland. Now I'm really conflicted as to whether I want to watch it or not. Netflix consistently brings it up as one of my suggested movies in the horror/comedy category, but I never put it on the list because zombies aren't really interesting to me. I also really don't like gore (although I don't mind violence), so initially the movie really put me off. But then the characters were so funny, and I loved that. So I'm still trying to decide whether my love of awkwardly mismatched duos is strong enough to override my discomfort with gore. I watched the trailer and had the sinking feeling I might like the movie, but you never know till you see it.
- Currently, I am the only person in the entire world who has not seen Series 2 of the BBC Sherlock. Everyone is going crazy over the Reichenbach Falls episode that just aired, and I still have yet to see any of the 3 new episodes. The thing is that I want them to be uploaded to youtube before I try to watch them. I know there are places they can be downloaded, but my computer is so old that it can't fight off any viruses if the link turns out to be unsafe, and I would rather watch it on youtube anyway. I'm also at least 5 episodes behind on Glee. I don't know what's happened here.
I can't remember if I had any more bullet points to add, so I'll come back later if I think of more. Hope you are all well!
P.S. Good lord, I think something's happened on the bus ahead of me. There are, like, 5 police cars. What in the world is going on??