Happy holidays!

Dec 23, 2008 23:41

I've pirated my next-door neighbor's wireless connection (which I almost never do) so I can get on here and wish you all a very Merry Christmas/Happy Holiday of Your Choice! I don't know if I'll have time to get online tomorrow or the next day to say it, so now seems like my best chance. (I will try to pop by and see your Christmas ficlets, trippypeas...) I hope you all have a relaxing and joyous holiday. It's been a great year with you guys.

I'm home for the semester and spending the holiday with my family as usual. My dad's side of the family is coming over tomorrow afternoon for dinner, and then I'm singing in the choir at the midnight service. But, of course, I'm really just looking ahead to Christmas Day, which I can't believe is coming up so quickly. It really snuck up on me this year. I didn't get back to Gaithersburg until this past Friday, didn't get my room decorated for the holidays until Sunday, and didn't wrap any Christmas presents until this afternoon. What happened to the month of December?

Anyway, Merry Christmas to all! Time for bed. :)



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