So I've pretty much given up on my word count for NaNo.
I keep getting perilously close to dumping the whole book into the garbage this morning
I didn't even write more than about 500 words this weekend
Then in Chem this morning while waiting for class to start
I decided to crack it open and at least write SOMETHING.
Much to my suprise I remembered a small snippet I wanted to write out
and managed to jot down about 3 pages worth of stuff before the teacher arrive
She finally handed back my test
and thus I learned my verdict that I have indeed failed my Chem Class
I most likely will not even be going back to class
And it hurt
Because I really did try
I think thats what hurts the most
Is that I'm putting effort into it and it's amounting towards nothing
Anyway the point being I took all those feeling, skipped taking notes
and just wrote for the hour, Its only about 3 pages but It was a scene I had been avoiding writing for a little while now. It changes my story and After november I need to go back and fix a few things but that will be for later, For now I just need t o keep going..
I even wrote out a small scene to deal with my fan girl cravings XD
I keep calling it fangrling
But the fact is
I'm really looking for an escape
Even right now I'm looking for an excuse to go home and watch
I know its retarded
But It's how I've dealt with life and it needs to change.
The point? Oh Right! I had a Point!
I'm no longer going to worry about my word count
The new goal in novemeber is this
Keep Writing
All Month
On the same story and Make it grow.
Wheather Or not I type it up or post it kinda depends on time.
Seriously though My arms and fingers are killing me X-x