Big ole mess o crazy

Nov 04, 2008 18:30

Once again I think I'm relying on this journal once again
XD I got really melancholy this morning
and thought "If No ones going to read my post then what's the point"
After moping about for about half the day
I suddenly went to the nearest wall and banged my head against it
I had to remind myself that while
I really love comments
Thats not why I made this journal
And yes while Im obsessive and weird
checking it just about every 10 minutes to see if any one has updated
and I respond to just about every damned comment that gets made
It's STILL not why I made this journal
I made it as a place to vent
No matter how shallow the thought
or how idiotic the feelings
You people should know that by now
and in fact you seem to stick around in spite of it
Silly people XD
So this journal is reverting once again to a place of nonsense babble
and the spam of the friends pages
essentially since I'm going to try and stick to my medication
Despite the side effects (Shaking, nervousness, grouchiness, sweating)

I took the drug test for work
and will most likely go back within the week
Honestly when I walked in and saw all of the people
and tried to talk to some old workers that I knew from before
I nearly had a panic attack
I don't know how well I'm going to be handling the crowd
especially since Corporate seems to be cracking down on a lot of things
But I keep trying to breath
and remind myself that I've done my job for over a YEAR
and that I'm AM good at my job
I've had all three of my managers get upset when I was forced to leave
and as long as I do what I always do
I'll be fine
Holiday crowd or not
I also realized that I may be starting to have issues with anxiety
thanks to the meds as well
(How are these thing helping me again?
Good News though!! 8D the peppermint flavor is back!!!*cooes happily*
Im going to try and stay away from to many sugary drinks and stick
to tea water and soy milk ^-^
mmmm lets try peppermint soy milk!...ssshhhh my breath will smell good!

Also got started on the paper due tomorrow
Not nearly close to being done
but at least I'm somewhere
I talked to my Geography teacher
about my makeup
He drops one test grade
But I told him how I missed the first test
because my son was sick then too (I have the excuse!!)
And then he said the most beautiful words I have ever heard in my life
"Well then We'll just count your next text twice.
*hears the angels sing as they come down from heaven in a choir great and grand to behold*
I really could have made out with him at that moment
or really shown my appreciation
But I think he would have freaked out if I busted out crying

Oh and I didn't get to vote
Apparently my address is screwed up in the system
and I don't exist D:

NaNo Is better
I stopped trying to write linear
and went back to writing loosely related snippets
that I REALLY wanted to write
I don't know my word count
other than I know it's lower than it needs to be
But At least I'm closer and more hopefully
than I was the other day
Once I type it up
I'm throwing it up on NaNo
Just to try and get over my weirdness
and force myself to do this
and keep going
who knows maybe someone will like it

Once again I didn't read back over folks
sorry if the making of the sense doesn't happen

crazy, random thought, nanowrimo, school, work, voteing, geo, mediation

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