Mar 23, 2011 16:15
What an up and down kind of birthday I've had today.
In a real world kind of perspective it doesn't really feel like I've gotten that far since my last birthday. Still struggling through school, living with my parents in the same two room apartment. Still fighting with the same issues I've always had.
And yet right now I wouldn't trade where I'm at for anything.
All the money in the world couldn't replace the feeling of having earned where I'm at right now. With everything.
I don't know what's going to happen in the next year, but between bouts of fear and anxiety, I relish the challenge of what life has brought me.
Now all I need to do is keep working hard and learn to relax and enjoy the good moments.
Now with that profound thought put out there I think I'm going to lay down
The grand sage has thrown out her back picking up laundry.