Sep 10, 2009 15:56
For no reason what so ever I'm suddenly in a movie watching mood.
So for the next few days I hope to knock off this list of movies
For right now It's Kat Williams believe it or not
While I do my homework and get started on my first Exam.
Rosemary's Baby I have yet to see this , but Ive been wanting to FOR YEARS.
Creepshow the Animated horror fest
Repo : The Genetic Opera Just because I love it
Ichi the Killer Suggestion from Merch Supposed to be good
History channel documentary on Manson, just because I'm a freaky geek like that
The Wiz I barely remember this one but I remember loving it
Bent This one looks simply amazing, its about a gay man that gets sent to a concintartion camp and pretends to be a jew so he can have a gold start instead of a pink ont that will mark him gay. He falls in love with another inmate who wears his pink patch with pride.
Love Letter I can't help it
I love romance movies
and Japanese one's ALWAYS have in tragedy
It's like watching a train wreak
You want to look away but you can't
good feelings all around
Ju On The grudge in japanese
random thought