[fanfic] Better Living With Alien Ray Guns (1/5)

Jan 23, 2012 16:50

Title: Better Living With Alien Ray Guns
Author: saemi_mitsuwa
Genre: Sci-fi, lulz
Ratings/Warning: R18/Mature for sex
Pairings: Russia/Fem!America, America/Fem!Russia
Summary: Really old de-anon from the kink-meme. America and Nation of your choice are wandering around America's house. They manage to land into Tony's room, and try out a genderbending ray. They then decide to take turns fucking each other's genderbend.


“Never enter my room unsupervised. Never touch anything.”

Those were the words Tony left with America when he disappeared for days at a time and returning with notebooks full of experimental information written down in that strange, alien language of his. Of course, it did nothing to sooth the burning curiosity he felt every single time he passed the basement door. His hands itched to open it and walk inside, but Tony’s words always warded him away. What if it was dangerous? What if something in there was toxic to humans? What if it was a really cool teleport machine like on star trek? Or a light saber from Star Wars? Or what if it was an Enchooka laser and he was secretly sending supplies to his home planet? Well, maybe not really an Enchooka laser…but that episode of Doctor Who was still cool. Regardless, he really didn’t like to dwell on it and instead tried focusing his attention on more important things.

Like keeping Russia from molesting him on the front porch.

America fumbled with the keys to his own front door while Russia slid his hands over his ass, squeezing each cheek with a delightful purr while sucking on his earlobe. America dropped the keys at the first squeeze, tore himself away from Russia to snatch the keys back up before Russia resumed his former position: pressing himself to America, hands firmly clenched in his ass and lavishing kisses on his neck. With both nations being incredibly busy, meetings and national crises of a varying degree, they finally managed to carve out an afternoon out of their schedules - after six months being separated from each other - under the pretense of improving international relations. Both bosses had merely sighed, shaking their heads at the obvious cover up, and waved them off.

“Damnit-” Growing frustrated, America finally kicked the door open, extracted himself from Russia’s wandering hands and stumbled inside, shutting the door as best as he could before shoving the hallway table against it. “-there. Now where was I-?”

Russia smashed their lips together in a violent kiss, their teeth cracking together, his tongue forcing its way into America’s mouth. His train of thought fading away, America drug his fingernails across his shoulder’s before circling his arms around Russia’s neck. The two stumbled down the hall, pressed up against a wall before shoving each other back off and resuming their halting, slow pace.

“Too long.” Russia’s husky, thickly accented voice managed to say in between kisses. “Not enough.”

America could only moan at the back of this throat in agreement and follow his lead down the hall, growing lost in the haze of pleasure and overwhelming feeling of having Russia here before him, touching him and kissing him, hearing his voice again after months of hearing it through his cellphone and seeing his face through video chat. Pressing one hand to his back, America ran his fingers over Russia’s scalp, raking them up and down before curling his fingers through the scarf wound around Russia's neck and grazing the pads of his fingers across the layers of scarred skin. Russia stiffened at the touch, then moaned deeply into their kiss and shoving America into the wall.

Only the wall suddenly gave way, hinges of the old basement door squeaking open. America lost his balance and fell backwards, the long set of stairs rushing up to his back, but before he crashed against them, a hand fisted in his shirt and jerked him back up; Russia gripped the door frame with one hand and pulled America to him with the other, his hand falling to his waist and circling around it. America gasped, both in surprise and from their previous heated activities.

“He always keeps this locked.”

Russia only blinked at him, a question resting in his gaze.

America turned back and found Tony’s basement in its full glory before him. His deep love of technology and useless gadgets temporarily overcoming his lust, he took Russia’s hand in his own and pulled him down the stairs.

“Tony never lets me down here.” America explained when they reached the bottom of the stairs. “He’s always afraid of me touching his stuff.”

“Then maybe we should leave?” Russia’s voice was till low and deep, the lustful huskiness lingering.

“I just want to look at something.” America walked up to a table and picked up a gadget that looked suspiciously like a gun.

“You are touching it.” Russia squeezed his hand and reminded him of their time constraints. “We only have two hours.”

“I know, I know~… I want to look at this.” America turned around and presented the gadget to Russia. “I wonder what this is.”

Russia sighed and reached for the gun. “What are you doing?”

America pulled away, frowning. “Nothing!”

“Just put it down.”

“I’m never allowed down here! Just five more minutes?”

“America…” The husky voice was gone, and replaced with Russia’s patented ‘If-you-don’t-stop-irritating-me-bad-things-are-going-to-happen’ voice. “Put it down.”

“Aren’t you curious about it too?”


“Oh come on!” America’s eyes were pleading. “Don’t you want to know what it does?”

“No.” Russia’s violet eyes grew sharp and gleamed in the fluorescent lights. “I want to take you upstairs and have my way with you.”

“I just want to experiment with it.”

“First you wanted to look. Then you wanted to touch. Now you want to experiment?”

“What’s wrong with that?”

“We have two hours.”

“That’s plenty of time!”

“Not for what I want to do with you.”

“Just five more minutes!”



Russia advanced on him and grabbed the gun. America jerked away in surprise and pulled the trigger. A bright, electric flash of blue light erupted from the laser and hit Russia squarely in the chest. Purple steam exploded from impact, flooding the room. America dropped the gun in surprise and fell to his knee’s at Russia’s side.

“Russia-Russia!” America shook his shoulders. “Shit- I’m so sorry! Say something, please!”

A grunt and then a wracking cough came. America slid his hands under him and helped him sit up. He frowned suddenly, and ran his hand across Russia’s back.

“Hey…did you lose weight? Not that I thought you were- ah-…over weight before!” The purple steam dissipated. “ You just…seem…uh….”

There, sitting on the floor was Russia. His hair was longer than his youngest sister’s. His body was tall, but curved. His chest now soft and enormously well endowed.

Russia was a woman.


hetalia, fanfiction

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