Sticky Post!

May 03, 2037 14:02

Hello! Please comment here so I know, like, who you are and why you're friending me. I like meeting new people, but I do need a little to go on. ;P

Other places to find me:

My tumblr This is where I hang out most days now.

kato_fiction - This is my fic journal. [Have not updated in years here. Go to the AO3 account for all the newest (hahahahaha) stories.]

My AO3 account. It is fully updated.

My delicious - This is my delicious account. It is only mostly organized but now that I have internet access on my laptop again, I'm using it more frequently. [Hahahaha, nope. Just check my recs on AO3]

My memories - My memories here at LJ. I don't really use this anymore because I'm always using delicious but all my old favorites from SPN and SGA are here.

My dreamwidth account - I haven't updated this since June (2012???) but it's there.

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