First Entry! Mwah!

Aug 27, 2005 13:58

.:::: Hi guys ! ::::. Hmmmm, yeah, well this is my first Journal entry for Livejournal ^.~ I dont know if i will use it that much, because, Xanga... is my L.i.f.e. !!! xD ! Hmm i went to work today at my mom's buisness, yeah i am working for my mom now! I luff it! Being the bosses daughter, hehe, you dont want to mess with me there, mwahahaha! Get my vide ^.~ Nah, i am just kidding. I luff all the girls at my moms work, their like my big sisters! Margie! Gerri! Kelly and course, bad ass Rocky! LOL! Aw man i will miss you girl! Rocky is going back to collage, she left yesterday, but i know she'll be back next summer to work for us! w00t! I chilled today, for the first time, i want to make my new home in stoneharbor, haha, where i live ya'll, um, yeah its called Coffee Talk ! Its teh best place d0wn here i swear! w00t! Okay for all of you Harry Potter fans, liek myself, HUGE HermionexRon shipper, thankyou very mucha, um, yeah it looks like the Burrow inside! HA!!! Thats why i luff it so much! All the pictures are old and crooked. The chairs are dusty and coozy. They have blankets where you can get a nice cup of warm coffee and snuggle in a saggy sofa and just watch the people under a big blanket. Its the best place i swear to gosh! I am so going to take a picture and sh0w you guys! Mwah! L8r for now... oh i have a question. Can anyone tell me how to get 'mood' icons to place when you tell your moon in LIVEJOURNAL, i mean like, little tabs, not the smily's i dont liek them, mood tabs. And i know where to get fabbbb icons from this place, mwaaaaah! <3's oh and 1 more thang, skins! Can someone send me a site with good skins! Thanks luvs!
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