hi guys

Nov 16, 2014 21:04

I am back. A friend, rabidglow, told me that LJ is a thing again. I already knew that. Believe it or not, I do read my friends list pretty regularly. I do not comment regularly. Maybe once a year. But I still love you all.

I miss the old days of livejournal. Using semagic to write a post, endlessly checking to see if I had new friends, tweaking my profile so that none of my interests was shared with another person, and so on.

Here's some things that I can think to say right now.

1. I am reading T.E.D. Klein's The Ceremonies. I've been meaning to read this since I bought it over three years ago. It's supposed to be a classic, and the shorter story it elaborates pops up in a lot of anthologies. Since it's set on a farm, I had it in my head that I would have to read it at harvest time. Alaska has a very brief fall. Each year I have had a very short window to read it. Turns out the book is set in the summer. And it's not very good. (Or, rather, it's very slow and not very spooky.) Fuck.

2. I somehow discovered soulseek recently. If you're not familiar with it, it's a p2p network -- sort of like kazaa or limewire, but with a focus on music. soulseek has been a godsend. Working all day and not walking at night have cut down on the time I have to listen to jamz. The disappearence of piracy blogs hasn't helped. Soulseek, though, has a lot of jamz. It's neat. The people on there seem to have similar musical tastes as I do, too. When I find somebody with a fast connection, I look to see what jamz they've got. Strangely often, the person I'm downloading a folk or progressive rock album from will also have tons of black metal. Neat!

3. The period from election day to veteran's day has been the most naseuating week of the year. It's a week bookended by two of the worst things in the universe, the charade of capitalist democracy and a sycophantic celebration of America's willing imperialist blackguards. As always, it is well to remember what was said early on by the Third International: "National defense and democracy -- here are the solemn formulas of the capitulation of the proletariat to the will of the bourgeoisie!"

4. Finally, a picture of a truck pulling a trailer carrying a truck carrying an ATV. Only in Alaska. I hope.

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