Feb 06, 2007 23:23
I'm chugging along. I constantly try to keep my smile on! I remain feeling uncomfortable however and fear I might just break at any moment. And my body's been ill lately. I can barely eat and I don't blame that entirely on the Stone Center. But yeah, ridin' it out. I hate to feel like maybe I'm wishing the year away and that I'm going to regret that later. I'm very scared about where I'm going and I just hope I reach some somewhat stable footing soon. I can't believe one person single-handedly ruined my year here at interlochen starting from the beginning and continues to this day to make me hurt. That will be the most positive part of leaving interlochen in may, i will never have to see this individual again and I will hopefully be able to move a little more easily.
and eek I have dissappointed my family! oopsy I'm gay! my b.