The BasicsMale/Female:male Heterosexual/homosexual/bisexual?:was bisexual but now i have candy candysexual Are you certain of your sexual orientation?:yes If not, why arn't you? If you are, how do you know?: Your age:18 How often do you think about sex in a normal day?:all the time but only with candy no one else would do me any good How often do you think about other sexual acts besides intercourse?:about the same Have you ever had sex?:are you stupid? Do you like...Vaginal sex:yes Anal sex: in me or candy>? well yes Oral sex:yes Fingering/handjobs:hmm yes yes yes Something not mentioned above that you like:me on top of candy and staring into her eyes and feeling her pleasure and choking her Which of the above do you prefer?:me on top of candy IntrestsWhat (if any) fetishes do you have?:oooo yay staring in my candy eyes and hearing say she loves me as i cumm Do you like sexual situations with more than one person?:no unless a clone of candy With several people of the same sex?:no The opposite sex?:yes if clone of candy Or even sexual situations with several people of diffrent sexes?:maybe clone candys agianand cloned timmys If you haven't tried any of the above, might you in the future? Why/Why not:yes if there were all clones of me and candy Do you have a steady partner?:yes yes yes Do you use protection?:ummm.. whats protection j/k How important is foreplay to you:Important it starts the mood The KissDo you like kissing people/a person?:only my candy What is your favorite part of kissing?: feeling her soft lips agianst mine and starting the foreplay Tounge or no tounge?:anything with candy Where is the best place to be kissed (on your body):behind my ear Where is the worst place to be kissed (on your body):feet Who do you wish you could kiss?:candy and only candy right now How important is kissing in a serious relationship?:very important And...What's your favorite sexual position:being ont top of my candy and controling her Where is the oddest place you've ever had sex:heh cemetery Where do you want to have sex: in flordia in the bed with my candy cause we will be together yay Would you mind if people watched?:yes its personal no one is aloud to loook at me and my candy How important is sex in your life: important it a soul unifing bond between me and candy very intemate Name a fantasy you have:oo yay me and candy bondage corriset her chained hangingt from the ceiling and her legs wrapped around me and whips and yeah no more for you people Do you like having sex...With toys?:yes yes In the dark or light?:candle light Outside?:yes In costume?:yes In bondage?:yes Submissive/dominate?:dominate With lubricant?:dont need it with moisty moisterson Flavored condoms?:whats a condom? With anything else unusual?:yes Finally...Do you like this survey?:its ok candy is better
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