May 26, 2005 16:33
praying bus: "hi"
swastica kittens: "we like peace more than aliens"
praying bus: "uhm how come?"
swastica kittens: "because aliens get in your bathing suit at the beach"
praying bus: "oh,(pause) yeah i hate that."
snail: "hey love"
lesbian barbi: "i like you a lot you know and um..."
snail: "lets get married"
lesbian barbi: "um would we have to call it a civil union?"
snail: "but i count as both male and female...that was how i was born.."
lesbian barbie: "hm well i still think they wouldent let us call it marriage"
snail: "well if we drive to massachusetts in my remote control car then we save $123 on gas annnd we can our have a civil union"
lesbian barie: "Your my hero"
(::tasteful make out scene::)