May 01, 2005 08:53
mr. water next to my bed
so innocently wrapped in a dunkin donuts lable
why was wriggling fly in you
why did i drink you?
and spit you out on my hand
and then spit water on my already dead printer
and then cleaned my mouth obsessivly.
i encountered fly pre-today
he couldent fly and i couldent kill him
a fly that cant even fly is harmless?
so now on his back on the corner of my bed
somtimes wiggling to remind me hes not dead.
i still cant kill him.
after all we were just thirsty.
yesterday a man looking through the cups at starbucks
for left over coffee in the rain.
the homeless ARE That desperate
and then some girl gave him a 5$ card to starbucks
she knows it wasnt much and didnt pretend like it was nice of her
she just told him that they gave it to her at work and that she didnt want it
I meen theres nothing really wrong with that
but some people get off at "helping" other people
there is a hierarchy in charity
If you enjoy making someone dependent on you
then u are not helping them
This kind of help, takes away the recievers dignity/self worth
because they have not earned what they recieved...
thats why i like things that help the homeless
get jobs and get back on thier haleyhouse bakery.
the whole teacing to fish insted of just givign a fish thing
i dunno...for some reason this new gaggle of thoughts
makes me miss my -its prfound to think of giving away everything-.
so summary i gave cofee to a street person...and spit out a fly this morning...discust.