Jan 08, 2005 22:38
i love theater classes! with a passion i do believe.
i also love discovering new things...like windows movie maker!
what do you do for short spurts of dizziness that pass over you...
the increadibles is a really good movie and you should go see it if you haven't already.
did you know that there are giants in the sky? oh and they're not just any giants, they're acorn giants...
i am having serious cliff temple withdrawl problems...i miss hallie and david and logan and erin and ashley and robert...and kenny yes yes
ah but i'm always missing someone.
thats why i like school because i always get to see ppl there.
yes we need to have a plaza day cuz we just haven't done that in a long time!
every so often we long to steal to the land of what-might-have-been but that doesn't soften the ache we feel when reality sets back in...