A Quick Update on Me.

Mar 27, 2005 16:07

    My courses coming up are as follows:

-Intercession- (in Rome)
Classics 3633 - The Art of Imperial Rome
History 3725 - Baroque Art and Culture

Russian 1043 - Russian Culture I

English 2901 - Survey of English Literature to 1660
English 3193 - Introduction to Film Analysis
Fine Arts 3703 - The Power of Images
History 3716 - Renaissance Art
Political Science 1403 - Contemporary Political Ideas & Ideologies
World Literature & Cultural Studies 1001 - Sex, God & War: An Introduction to Pre-Modern World Literature

English 2902 - Survey of English Literature 1660 to 1900
English 3123 - Creative Writing: Poetry
English 3194 - Film Analysis II
Philosophy 1003 - God, Mind and Freedom
World Literature & Cultural Studies 1002 - Modernity, Eternity & Cultures
English 2196 - Creative Writing: Introduction to Fiction & Screen Writing (Waitlisted)

Intercession for me runs May 23rd through June 13th, and I have already booked my flight to Rome, $957. Ouch. For some reason, I have also tentatively signed up to take a Summer course to fill out some of the first-year requirements I missed transferring over from the BA/BSc program after Christmas. I suppose I will find time to take it if I am staying in Fredericton over the Summer to work. It is an hour-and-a-half a day for four days of the week during July and August. Also, I am presently signed up for six courses in both the Fall and Winter. I plan on dropping from one in each term, but I am not sure from which ones yet. Probably English 3123 from Winter term, but I have no idea about Fall yet. In the long run, I think I have almost settled on majoring in English with the Creative Writing option, and then getting a minor in Film and possibly History too. My main interest here, I would say, is in the Film program, but UNB does not offer a major in Fine Arts. That leaves English as my (close) second choice, and I have heard History is an easy minor to meet the requirements for as well. It should work out, but all these three-thousand level courses? Long essays scare me.

And now a photo(s):

I'm surfer Satan. Who the Hell are you?

life, photos

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