5-10 cm
Weather.ca? Yeah right, more like that per minute. The snow is really coming down outside and it
looks amazing. It is supposed to continue at least lightly into the evening as well. Beautiful. I made use of the most recent snowfall before this too and spent all Monday evening rolling/sliding down hills on the campus with a friend. I really like winter I think, even the cold; keeping the house at 15 degrees though makes it quite a bit more bearable outside.
Now then, that last entry basically ran the gamut of filling some people in on the last couple of months. I am more of the opinion usually that one can more deeply know someone, though, through their art, and anything one would want to know can be deciphered from within such. Over the last while, however, I had not been able to get my creative juices flowing to the extent I would have liked. Thus the reason for the last entry.
In line with that, I thought I would include in this entry several nice morsels, both of my own and others', which might interest at least a few out there.
Recommended song of the day: Kottonmouth Kings - Dream States
A nice melodic, surreal song with a good beat that I would most deeply recommend to those with high-quality headphones or surround-sound.
"Wake up, wake up, wake up: you are sleeping!"
Wake up! Wake up! Free will!
Some cool links of varied tastes:
TimBurton.com - Not his web-home, but one very cool, little website. I think maybe just a domain holder.
A Unique Comic Exerpt - I had one genuinely horrific, partly-coloured, complete Japanese-comic to link to posted in
someone's LJ, but since I first found it, the images have been banned from the host's site. I suppose this will have to suffice, though not one-tenth as demanding of vomit as the other which some of you have already been privy too. Somehow I am getting the feeling this stuff is not part of a "shock-culture" in Japan.
A Very Cool Stunts Video - Kind of tiny, but very awesome stunts. Fuck, their basket tosses are amazing!
NeighborHoodies.com - One of the best clothing sale websites out there that I have seen, especially for the concept and what they can do. Though still very over-priced for what any creative individual can produce in the comfort of their own home.
My dread locks, now at day 11.
A sketch I drew before the break. Sorry for the quality: I had to use a webcam to capture it, and a very shitty one at that. Oh, and I really need to work on figure proportions, I let it all go to hell here.
To prove that I actually could do a realistic sketch back in July. )
The first draft of a monologue I have had to craft for my Creative Writing: Poetry and Drama class. I am not satisfied at all with it and really feel that it concludes without going anywhere. Oh well, there is no harm in including it here for anyone interested. I would not mind any feed back either, if any of you would, as I still have time to fix it before it has to be passed in to be marked. Hmm, I had better give it a name eventually too. Here you are then:
That movie I saw last night at the Princeton downtown was great. It made it such a nice night. It was about a young Italian painter, before World War Two, who was so obsessed with what he did that he allowed his family and his country to collapse before him. He was a really dedicated character, but this guy was so fulfilled by his own art that he did not realize the effect of his loss until his career fell to ruin, near the end of the film, under the Fascists. I think this one must have been better than the director's last.
I always love getting away to a good movie like that. No, there's no escaping to it, but there is a calm you get when you can allow all the regular day-to-day stuff of a week to lapse and watch some story or another of impossible things up on the big screen. I mean, realistic things really, but still things beyond the everyday.
Everyday for me is spending time at home with my wife, Barbara, and working. Work puts me at a desk in an office for eight hours of the day. It is a good living, and enjoyable, and what I went to university for after all, but so confining. Then I come home five days of the week, make dinner with Barbara-so we do take our time-and all of a sudden there is only a few hours left in every evening before I have to get to bed to be up again.
Barbara and I get along well in the house though. I mean, we don't fight or anything, but we more just enjoy each other's company than actually involve each other. She'll read her romance novels or what have you, while I'll catch up on the news or watch a TV program or something. It keeps us busy during the spare moments; anyway we're always content around the home, and really, in everything else we've done too.
That is why Barbara worries me now. She's gone out by herself tonight. She told me it was to have a stroll along the beaches, but she has never gone and done that before, that is just the thing; and once earlier this week, she decided to go out to dinner by herself instead. We always make dinner together on weekdays unless something comes up. I guess I can sympathize with her wanting to get out, but what is she getting away to if she is eating or walking alone? This change is what especially worries me though; I mean, about dinner, that was something we had always made sure to do together.
Barbara never really liked going out back when we were dating. She always preferred just spending time together at one of our places instead. Like when I took her to a few movies; to her, it was all about holding each other and kissing during the show. Her going out somewhere now kind-of makes me nervous.
It is terrible to think about it, but the way this is happening with Barbara, it reminds me of that movie I saw a few months back with that young, new Canadian actress in it. In fact, I think she was too young for the role, but anyways, in the movie, her character was a housewife who got mixed up between her loving relationship at home and a racier one with a man she met at a flower shop. Heavens, there can't be any way this is what's happening to Barbara. But still, from the perspective of the home in the movie, things are beginning to look the same. I guess too I am beginning to relate with that husband. Well, only so far; he ended up getting a private eye, and the drama unfolded from there, but that is the movies, those sorts of things do not happen that way to regular people.
I just wish I knew exactly what was going on, I guess. I mean, I can take her word for what she is doing, but I would not mind knowing what she is thinking too. We love each other, but I can't seem to understand what is going on with her. This is out of the normal, really, so I just can't begin to see why she would do it.