This one actually came out pretty well, and it allows me to mentally tie up a character that I've been using for far too long. It's hardly an exhaustive list, but it's enough for him, and so I feel that this small representative sample gives you a picture of what Sadrach eventually grew into over the course of over a million words of story. (No, that's not an exaggeration, by the way). It's been a long trip over 6 years now, but I think I'm finally ready to bid Dae Luin goodbye.
I've been alive for a long time.
I remember my birth, in the Courts. My mother told me that there was no better place to raise a paragon - and that's what I was to be: an exemplar of everything that she stood for. How wrong she was. They trained me, my half-brother, my uncle, and all the others that she paid. She retained a small fortune for my teachers, and by the time I came of age, I had surpassed them all in practice, if not in theory. They told me of a land far off, a world of dreams and shadows. Dae Luin, they called it, and I asked to be sent. They did so, and I arrived there.
I never made friends in that world. Allies, enemies, even masters and apprentices, but never once a friend. I wanted too much. I lusted for power, imbued with the knowledge that I was better than the rest of them. I was told that I had been crowned prince in my absence, and told later that the Courts had been destroyed by my own half-brother in a desperate attempt to deny me my reign. It didn't matter to me. Ruling over the Courts had never been my aspiration. Such a place couldn't contain my ambitions. I wanted more - needed more - and only in Dae Luin were the challenges that I saught.
I delved into the blacker arts. Taught first by ancient tomes, and then the avatar of magic himself. He never knew that his unborn daughter would be my finest pupil. He never knew that each spell he whispered to me would be used against him. He never knew that Godslayer was coming - none of us did. The war came upon us as suddenly as anyone could have imagined.
They tell me that I was a pawn, used by Gali in order to strike the first blow with no danger to himself, and I know that they're right. I was a pawn, but no one will ever forget that it was my hand that killed Light. In that moment, when mortals struck back against the Gods, the war began, and by the end, my name would be both curse and blessing to thousands. I killed them - Light, Chaos, Water, Magic. I came within an inch of slaying Death and Spirit, but they escaped. Each victory lent speed to our cause, and our numbers swelled. Armed with the mace that Gali had found - forged by Darkness with the aid of Time herself - we were unstoppable. In the end, we had them. All the remaining Gods checked by the mace, and with our forces outnumbering theirs two-to-one, we engaged them at the Witherthorn Ruins.
The battle there never happened. I died, the mace fell from my hands, and the Gods decimated our army. Never before had there been such a slaughter, and I would be surprised to learn of any that surpassed it hence. Death stopped most of them, but I rose from it - unclaimed by Death, and unjudged by Spirit, I remained in limbo long enough for my faithful to call my soul back to my body. I lived once again.
After the war, many new Gods were called. Older dieties such as the Hunt and Thought gave way to a new generation - Wisdom, Dreams, Strength. I was called, given the mantle of Dream, and remained there for a time. They tell me that no one has ever held the position with such a regal majesty as I had.
Then again, many of them were just attempting to flatter me. I leave it up to you to judge.
In the end, I became the first to relinquish my godhood, and descend back to mortality. The power needed to pass, and I received something far greater in return. In exchange for the power that I lost, I received prophesy, and with it, I aided those who needed it, helped myself, and most importantly, I found the men who would complete my training - the Sadyrs. They taught me everything that I hadn't been able to figure out. New ways to cast spells, methods to manipulate people, places, events, and even time. There seemed nothing they could not do, given sufficient warning and impetus. Under their tutelage, I grew to the fullest extent of my powers. I returned to Dae Luin, and ascended once more to deityhood - this time as God of Strength. I taught many, including my most prized apprentice. Her name was Rei Isabella Eclipse, daughter of Death and Magic, blessed by Water and Blood. She was my finest, and is destined to rise far above the heights that even I achieved. I know that she will, it's just a matter of when and how.
I gave it up again. This time, not for prophesy (though some are still convinced that I have it.), but merely for peace. I retired to a lakeside manor in the Old Continent, relishing the time that I could spend there - interrupted only by occasional visits by Rei, or by some long-forgotten warrior who needed closure on a long-decided manner. I entertain them out of obligation, not enjoyment. They tell me news of the world. I've heard of the new war brewing in the West. They tell me that Wind has fallen, and that no new deity has been appointed. They tell me disturbing things, but the time for me has passed. There is a new generation upon Dae Luin, and this war will be fought by them, not by me.
My standard has fallen, having changed the world in it's time. No one will ever forget my name to the annals of history. I will never die, neither in memory or in corporeality - two gifts of immortality have assured that. I must merely sit here, perfect my arts - of music and magic, storytelling and spells - and wait for the next one to come.
The next what, you ask? The next hero, who will change Dae Luin forever. Perhaps one day, when they visit, I will ask one to stay, to learn, as I did. Perhaps they will eventually know the end of the story, and perhaps then, finally, I will be able to rest easy, knowing that the places I cared about for so long are safe - for once and for all.
My name is Sadrach Coercion. I was known as Archmage, Dreams, Strength, Godslayer, Prophet, Defiler, Paragon, Mage Master, Teacher, and Hero Immortal. Forget not my story.