...the world is hopeless

Jul 27, 2019 00:10

It has been a while. Too long.

What brings me here tonight? The following story:

I have recently become engulfed in the world of Virtual Reality. More specifically, Bigscreen. I have been hosting what I think of as a "Safe Space" for people to hang out and it has been going okay, but it is depressing how difficult it is. It is depressing to know that I am often ridiculed for being so "PC". People tell me I need to calm down. And I have no idea why this surprises me.

Tonight I was in someone else's room (a room of 12) and two people came in and started just saying "nigger" over and over. I asked them thrice to please stop and they responded by calling me a "nigger" and so I left and joined another room. A fellow VR acquaintance found me and I told him the story and he says "I shouldn't let things like that get to me" and "to get over it because that stuff happens"

REALLY?! Seriously? And that I what is troubling: no one backs me up. Everyone has similar sentiments in that space. I have talked to several people, white, who tell me that racism doesn't exist and I am just censoring people. That is the sensitive people's problem to worry about. Why is the world like this? It is beyond depressing. And it isn't just the racism. There is a lot of sexism and LGBTIA ignorance and carelessness. I absolutely hate it when people come into MY room and then give me shit for being too sensitive. Why do so many people have a problem with simply not saying things. Choose a different joke, it isn't that hard.

I am so hurt and pissed off.

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