Dying (hospitalized) by billy
Golden locks are drowning deep in satire dreams
held down with sticks, power brooms, and lazar beams
Running wounds across my eyes
and handsome rainy days
monstrous nonsense in my head
leaves the thoughts of dreams behind
give the power and self worth that has left
Feeling in my fingers seems so over used now
flowing thick in my veins is a liquid
a liquid as thick as blood and as red
this is needed not by surprise but by survival
living is so old and i need something new
rounding the air in a straight line
and watching it disappear
^Poem By Me^
Today Billy woke up and wondered what his day was going to be like. He went online to see if Bri could come over and found out that apparently everyone was going to Provincetown. Bri didn't want to go and Billy got sad...but she did anyways and had fun. At first Billy was kind of his usual self but got yelled at for being "immature" but then when he didn't do anything...he got yelled at for "being depressed"...he was confused. One thing Billy hates is hypocrites...yet he is one himself. Life is such a series of theories to him.
Anyway, So he went to P-town. He did have his depressed moments. he started to feel really unwanted, ugly, and unattractive when things such as "wow, he is cute" were said. He does, however, realize that he has done the same...but has learned his lesson and won't again because he realizes how much it can hurt someone else..and he cares. He and his crew visited many shops and had some "chez balls". They had trouble finding the car as well. Later they went to hyannis. Billy, Wayde, and Bri had funnin the "$0.10" bin outside of A.C. MOORE ARTS & CRA TS. Billy found a vase type thing that looked like a bong and kind of a penis. After upon stroking his "penis" and various strokes of his real penis by bri in the back seat.... The two got really horny but couldn't do much about it since they were surrounded by friends. It sucks that when Billy and Bri get horny, he cant exactly just drive to her house like everyone else could with their S.O.'s. Bri was eventually dropped off at home. Next the gang went to the Grand Union and Billy pissed in the parking lot.....pissed alot. then Billy went home and ...layed down. This is hard