Apr 12, 2014 13:39
i am heavily considering Peace Corp.
i know i am going to die alone and probably unhappy. i will save up enough money for proper means to kill myself in a peaceful and dignified manner. i will never have a long-term relationship. i will always feel alone. i will not have made any mark. i think divoting my otherwise empty life to helping others may be the perfect life for me.
Peace Corp pays for EVERYTHING plus an allowance and gives you all the training needed. When i return home, i am given over 7,000 to settle back in and an array of financial help in going to a university.
i figure i can either come back, visit with family, Corri, and 1st world comfortability (a real shower as opposed to a place with no running water for one thing) and either go back or go to school.
i think it is better than living with such incredible emptiness, loneliness, sense of belonging, and dissatisfaction that i am plagued with.
My uncle has never had a really long term relationship either. He is in his late 50s and i do not know how he does it.
i left home once. i think i can do it again.
peace corp,