Jan 01, 2006 22:11
sailor_moon_142000: has the wind blown our friendship away like the leaves or will it come flowed again in the spring.
lyndz: our friendship stays planted like the winter rock, always there but yet ready to expose it's full beauty once the ice of the past has melted astray from the jaded eyes of a future we've yet to comprehend.
sailor_moon_142000: but when a child of love tills the soil the sead may vanish like many before
lyndz: but what of that and our friendship? We're but children ourselves in the dismal spells of an early adulthood, nutured by memories pass.
sailor_moon_142000: but as we grow so do our minds, leading us down the winding roads, were we go, we know not of
lyndz: i agree, where the winding path may take us only a mystery in the binds and confines of the labyrinth of life. We are to expect the unknown, and embrace the unembraced, but yet the life we lead ceases to embrace us...and yet we strive forward.
sailor_moon_142000: this thing you call friendship is like a cloak it leads no were but round till death of the power, we strive not forward but round and around
lyndz: i wanted to tell you, in not so many words, my kind friend...
lyndz: i fucked your mother