Did you know I'm going to be a godfather? It's true, I am.
Sara & Thor are having a baby in...oh, about two weeks. I'm going to be the godfather of Henry Jared Llewoh Jensen. (I tried to get them to go for the name Henry Hennessy Tennessee Tuxedo Junction Jensen - try saying it, I think you'll like it - but they would not budge). But do you know what it means for me to be Henry's godfather? I get to be in charge of his religious education! I'm thinking orthodox Judaism. Sara's due on September 2, so it may be a true labor day weekend indeed.
Did you know that I have a roommate? Yep, I do.
Tom has taken up residence in my living room. He's been there for the past few weeks, and I think he'll be around for a few more (cue "Family Ties" theme music). He's made himself useful, serving as kitchen food expediter, tech support, fashion horse, and cabana boy in equal measures. I recommend everybody getting a Tom of their own.