Mar 16, 2010 10:46
You know what I hate? When people ask me "whats new with you?" Because nothing. Frankly nothing. It's my own fault really, I've been trying to save money for a car (by not buying huge ass things really) and nothing interesting is going on. I've been utterly lazy, like my room and bathroom are insanly dirty. While I've been "oh i'm going to clean this" mode it doesn't happen. I have no idea why, maybe I'm turning into my mom. I dunno.
I really should take a class but I'm annoying and would like someone to do it with me. What sucks is that the people who I would ask are either "busy" or "don't want to pay the money" ugh. It's frustatring! GRR!!
On a bright note, my friend Amanda and her boyfriend may move to GA. I mean may because they want to get a job here first (at least one of them) instead of moving without any prospects. Even though she's from CA and basically near LA she hates it. Is it sad to say that I love that? If she moved back that would be freakin awesome. She wouldn't be so darn far away and then I could see her more often instead of once in the last 4 years.
Lastly, I'm annoyed that I have no Psych until summer and impatient that I have to wait until April 2nd for new episodes of Smallville. I should write my response to Psych season finale. I need more lj friends. I'm an attention holic. I admit it!