everyone and his friends kristen's (my sister in law) friends were coming. i told them hey y'all need to get here early the night before. things are insane and since it's LSU they're big tailgaters/partiers. But of course they know better. Earlier this week Chris asked me to go pick up some food at chicken express they ordered before because they wouldn't have time to do it or even room. He said he'd pay me back. they were going to leave at 9 or 9:30 this morning and it takes them about 45 mins from Lawrenceville depending upon traffic.
okay. they didn't leave their house until about 10. i was like yeah that sucks when he called. told him to call me when they get into town because mom was going to drop me off since it's insane here parking wise traffic wise etc. so pick up the food 40 bucks. i charge it to my credit card. mom drops me off where he is. it's a tray full of chicken with biscuits and gravy in another bag. it was heavy. the douche was on the phone and only closed my door. didn't even help me until we were about to their spot. Ass didn't even say hello to his own mother.
i call my friends to let them know where we might be cause they said they might stop by. so i call them let them know. chris, eddie, mr. neal (eddies dad) are going back to their car to get other stuff and i'm on the phone. chris asks me "hey you wanna go with us" i tell him no. because i would've had to carry shit and i'm not going to be their lacky now. i was invited to go to their tailgate i got the fucking food why should I help them? so 30 minutes later they get back. i was talking to mrs. neal keeping her company. Why should she be alone you know?
oh and i told my brother when i arrived that he owed me 40.13 for the food he was like i can't right now i'll have to pay you later or whatever. i'm like yeah i'm never seeing that money.
kristen and others were arriving separately and didn't get their until an hour and a half later because of parking, etc. whatever. I'd say 12:30. About 2 and a half hours to tailgate before everyone packs up and heads to the bar. Oh what fun!
they come back and basically we wait til kristen comes. i find out that kristen brought her friend nicholas who mom told me months ago that kristen wanted to matchmake with me. i see him and i'm like..are you fucking serious? Yeah. I'll tell you why by facebook mail.
sarah calls me and she comes and i'm like oh thank god. she keeps me entertained and i have someone you know? she and i went to the bookstore nearby cause our friend josh works there during game day so we visit him then head back talk with a few but mostly talk to each other. which really they did when i'm there with no one.
so we're sitting and sarah has to pee i told them that i'm going with her to show her a place and he's like come back cause we're packing up *aka help us pack up* and i told sarah that i'm glad we left cause i'm not doing that anymore. so they drop off the stuff to the car we meet chris and the guys. the wives went to the bar apparently. we went to one bar and sarah and i were told to stay there until they find the wives or another place. we stay and sarah was saying that there was no chairs so it's not going to be very fun i'm like okay well i'll call chris.
call him they're at THAT bar with the wives tell me to come there. i don't know where it is so they tell me i forget the name just know the landmark. we get there and i call him couldn't get ahold of him. i called 2x. he finally called me about 5 minutes later. i can't hear him. he's in the bar. i tell him i can't hear you. hes going to call me back does i still can't hear him. he calls me again still can't hear him. he doesn't call me back. sarah takes me home. i didn't tell him. i've been calling him. asshole hasn't called me back. he didn't even pay me.
So that's my brother. what a great guy right? here's the voice message he left on my cell: