☆彡 Ayabie ライブ ☆彡

Jun 19, 2006 18:08

So I know I made a lie telling you not to attend Ayabie concert but to be honest the decision to go there was just made a week before the concert and got the name “shiikureto purojekuto” I wanted to make this all being a big surprise for all my dear friends joining the concert.

So I drove off to Lüdenscheid on Saturday where Aichu caught me by car and we drove off to Hagen, there we printed out the last photos for the Ayabie presento and we also bought several gifts for the band. A nice BECHER with a duck on it for Takepi, for ourselves we bought those with frogs on it they are very cute, and we also bought some hand towels with animals on it.

Aichu => Rabbit
Arizu => Dog
Watashi => Bear

They were so so cute.
Finally we went to the train station to meet up with Arizu, therefore I did hide inside a bookstore and when Arizu and Aichu came over I just left the store to say Hello to Arizu, her face was fabulous, she yelled at me ‘n stuff but it was the best thing ever.
We had a nice evening eating a lot, finishing the presents and watching Equal Prayer 2 U DVD and MTV Campus Invasion, we all slept really awkward except of Aichu, Arizu kicked me off the bed while I stole her the blanket… bla bla nonsense

On Sunday we took all the time we wanted to prepare ourselves for the concert, so we changed into our Bikini fashion o(^3^)o I made everyone’s hair so it wouldn’t go on our nerves during the concert itself, we packed all our stuff and started our nice but very sweaty (because of the heat) drive to Frankfurt

8a.m. in Germany - its time to get up honey



During the drive we made a break, sat down on a bench and started eating watermelon, strawberries and bap in the sun while the other persons passing by looked at us like OMFG WTF why do they wear underwear?!


When we arrived in Frankfurt we made our way to the concert hall and totally forgot to stop at a gas station to change our clothes unfortunately we had to change our clothes in the car and so many people were passing by it was so so so embarrassing for me ~(>__<)~
Anyway we manged everything and we build up the cool overall gang .

We went to meet up with some of our friends and had nice nice talks, while we waited for the time to pass by Aichu and me started to make the final scribbling for the photobook which was dedicated to Ayabie, so we sat there and suddenly there was a loud 今日は we looked up as confused as we were facing some cam with a huge fluffy haired head behing it which did belong to Aoi, we just recognized it way too late so we looked like idiots while he held the cam in our direction. Aoi disappeared very soon and then the head of my personal sunshine popped out the window and Arizu and I immediately screamed インテツ he smiled, waved at us and disappeared again. I love this guy since the first time I saw them in Japan [I did love him before but uah in real he’s fascinating]. Time passed by I met all my friends whom I wanted to surprise and I was surprised by myself to see Pyo again after such a long time. She changed so much and he hair was beautiful oh my god!

these are stolen from Aichu

the hand towel I gave to Intetsu

Well suddenly time passed by that fast that we were finally able to enter the concert hall were I had the last cig before the concert itself (and guys normally I do smoke a lot during a concert) and when I went to the toilet there was a girl stopping me
”Aren’t you tEn?!”
”Uh, well yes?”
”OMG I never thought to meet you here! You look gorgeous! I’m such a fan of you. Your costumes are so wonderful! OMG you look so incredible!”
”Ehhhhhhh…. Thank you?”
How emberassing. You know I like getting compliments since I am an attention whore but mostly I feel awkward having people talk to me like I would be no human….

We stand there watching the hall getting more and more crowded but all in all it was a very small concert which was very uh how to explain maybe the word a big family fits it very well. Arizu and I planned to attend the concert together since we both wanted to go to Intetsu’s side and make a party so we stood there and waited and suddenly the concert started and we stood in the 3rd and 2nd row.

Oh my fuckin god - the concert itself was so powerful and awesome and the biggest party ever, the set list was awesome, they choose my most favourite songs PLUS the songs which parapara I was able to do from the beginning. In the end our whole corner was able to do the parapara moves which made me so happy. We made a very huge party and put on our animal handtowels and then there he was, my little sunshine baby called インテツ and he kept staring at us and smiled all over his face never being able to stop and made us smile to, he was so happy seeing us sing along their songs and knowing nearly all their parapara moves, he came to the edge of the stage and suddenly grabbed our hands, mine and Arizu’s and he did this a lot.
Sometimes he tried to pull the hand towels away because he was very fascinated by them and one time he came over and grabbed my hand very tight, everyone grabbed his arm and pulled on him and he didn’t let go of my hand and just smiled at me.
During the concert I started to loose my energy and I was on the edge of fainting everything started to get very dizzy and I was so slow in my motions that I wasn’t able to get it when we had to do the ‘OI’ part, I guess he did recon it because every time we had to make the ’OI’ he nodded his head very lightly until I got it and then he nodded very enthusiastically and kept on playing normal.

Aoi seemed to be fascinated by the hand towels too, he came over trying to act very cool and then he saw our hand towels and that was the point he wasn’t able to look serious again he started laughing and grabbed the towels (and so did everyone of the band)

When they ended playing their songs to make a break Takepi bend over and lay his guitar plec into my hand before disappear offstage.
That was so so cute and I was very touched because of this.

But I guess I lost the plec but I dun think so because I took care of it like it was holy, maybe it’s just in Aichus car or someone stole it, if so I am very pissed off.

Then the concert ended shortly before I did loose all my energy, thankfully Neko bought me something to drink, I owe you something my dear!

We left the concert hall and I sat down on the stairs, shaking like mad because of the lack of energy but I wondered if Aichu will pass us by before the meet and greet thing with Ayabie because I decided to hand out the hand towels to Intetsu and then she came and I gave her the hand towels.

Suddenly we heared the fans screaming like mad and then we saw Ayabie hanging around the windows, so we joined them and screamed out the hell off our lunges.

It was so cute watching them wave at us and being full of energy.
The meet and greet started and we waited for Aichu - when she returned she was so cheerful. I was happy that she had the possibility to meet up with Ayabie and I was even more happy when she told us that Intetsu recognized the hand towels from the beginning and that he was very happy to receive them and put them on his hand immediately after receiving them.
My cute little sunshine…

Suddenly everyone started screaming again and guess what?
Intetsu came to the window having the towels in his hands.
And guess what pt 2?
We didn’t saw it (.____.)

Anyway we sat there watching all the fans disappearing, a very kind soccer fan passed by and started talking to us and the Ayabie left the building.

We shouted out their names and waved at them unless the others we didn’t ran towards them.
When Intetsu left the building I screamed 宜しくお願いします just when he was about to enter their van but he stopped and turned around, stared at us and then he smiled again and waved at us like mad!

The soccer fan told us to go the the van since we are fan of their music and with his encouraging words we went to their tourvan and Ayabie turned their heads in our direction (you’ve to know we chosse the opposite side of their van - everyone stood on the right side except of us) and waved and waved and Ryoppe couldn’t stop waving at us when we made the heart sign with our hands he laughed and nodded very cutely (and sexy Kenzosan sat next to him - god this guy is walking porn!) we bowed and went to our parking lot when they passed us by with their van waving at us and smiling.

It was overwhelming and I did enjoy the concert like nothing else.

See you next year Ayabie!
Intetsu keep on smiling you did encourage me with being as cheerful as you are!

when we entered the car to drive back home and yes the way we look like shows how exhausting the concert was!

We had to get Arizu back home so we drove their while she slept on the backseat (you can’t imagine how cute it was!) and Aichu and I did talk a lot about everything and it felt so good talking with her all the time.

Finally we arrived in Neukirchen-Vlyn and got Arizu back home and then we headed back home. I drank coffee (and you know normally I detest coffee) and it did me so good. And we drove our way into the sunrise and it was warm outside and awesome, I didn’t wanted the car drive to stop to be honest. We listened to the best and most powerfull music on our way from Neukirchen to Meinerzhagen and hell that was awesome!

It was one of the best weekends after a long time.
I can’t compare the band with Dir en grey - I can’t compare any band with them since they are my number one but still I’ve to say that Ayabie was the most awesome concert ever (without DIR because DIR is completely different) and I did enjoy it like hell and it made me being so happy.

THANK YOU for everything.
It was the best thing that could happen to me.

And now I’m sittin here and writing the report but now I’ve got to clean my room and afterwards I’ll put this into Live Journal.

I am so calm and happy. (and I wanna give Intetsu a hug…)
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