Title: Another Day Ch.1
Author: sadnlonleyme
Rating: PG for now
Pairing: Akame, Pikame, Ryokame (in no order of importance)
Warning: Beginner Author
Disclaimer: I do not own any of these idol, though I really really wished I did. =[
A/N: Critism and comments are welcomed.
"Let's break up"
"No Jin! WHY?!?"
"Look Kame, I really like you, No I LOVE YOU, but Pi really needs me right now."
"But i need you too! Just because Pi needs you DOESN'T MEAN WE HAVE TO BREAK UP!!!
"Kame, you don't need anyone. You're Kamenishi Kazuya. I know this is hard now but I will always be your closest friend."
"No Jin! If you want to end our relationship then you don't get to choose what we are afterwards! I don't ever want to talk to you again!!!"
Kame swung his cell phone across the room. Tears blurred his vision as he slid down to the floor. Using the wall as his only support. His other support just left him.
Kame doesn't remember how long he's been sitting there. As he looked uo, the sun was rising and he wished the sun would go back down. And last night would of never happened.
Kame closed his eyes, then slowly opened them hoping he woke up from his nightmare. As he opened his eyes he noticed the broken phone.
"I hate you Jin."
Work was Kame's release but it can either make a person or break one. Kame wasn't sure if he's been made or broken right now. But he did not want to face Jin at work right now. He slowly dragged his foot as he entered the building flashing his fake smiles.
"Oi Bones!! What are you doing here?"
Kame turned around already knowing he'll see his best friend.
"To work, duh Shorty!"
"That's the thing, You don't work today! And don't call me short! I have you know I am only a few cenitmeters shorter than you!! Mr. Anorexic! =]p"
Kame stared at his best friend as if he spoke in English or something.
"Kame. I texted Jin last night to remind you"
"Oi Kame, are you okay?? DId you skip breakfast?? You better not faint or something."
"Um.. yea, I'm fine! I'm not starving myself! My cellphone broke so I probably missed his call."
Kame didn't want to look up, his brain told him to run. But his body just froze on the spot starring at his frie-no friends aren't suppose to steal your boyfriend.
What is Pi to me now?
Yamapi hugged the younger boy with their greet ritual. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, but everything was.
"Ne, Kame, I called you last night but you didn't pick up! How mean of you to ignore Akira's phone call!! You made me unhappy!! " Pi pouted., "Wait why are you even here? I reminded Bakanishi to call you and...
I made you unhappy??
"Pi... stop, just stop it okay" Kame wanted to shout those words to let Pi know how made he was at him but it just came out as a whisper.
Starring at Kame's face, no eyes. Pi knew the younger boy found out.
Pi closed his eyes and softly whispered, "I'm sorry Kame, I'm so sorry."
Ryo starred as Kame's back disappeared past the doors. Then he starred at Pi for a second and decided his best friend needs him more than Pi right now.
Jin's right. I don't need anyone. I don't need anyone at all.
Thank you for reading my first story =]